The Sun Will Always Rise, Chpt.8 – it’s the little things
Mostly used when push ups were betted, it was the best time we had for as long as we can remember, and once we found a set of speakers, well that's when the party really started, we played all the classics of course, queen, bon jovi , yano the ones everyone
Pokemon Homeland Chapter 4
That classical two floor house was painted completely red, it was her dads idea. she ran in just so see her mother on the phone. she wore glasses a black top blue jeans and her long hair was brown. ''i'll call you back.'' and she ended the phone call.
Yo-kai Specs 4: The Missing Yo-kai Watch
I looked at the classic watch again and pushed the button to pop the face open. at the bottom, like the type zero watch, was a medal slot. insomni's here, so i don't need to call for her.
The Corporate: Part 1 of 8
The trick in it is to make it as classic as possible while staying as original as possible. after part 3, the story will continue to be updated daily until christmas.
Digimon Darkness Chapter 8
Haha a classic terriermon: well what do you want! seadramon well what we want is you gone! but you see your just a thorn in our black foot! it has nothing to do with our master plan!
The Adventures of Stevo-Chapter 5-Los Angeles,1962
Sitting beside a bus stop sign on a corner in a 50's-styled cul-de-sac, not only he was in a white stp-patterned shirt, light faded jeans, and classic converse shoes, he started to get sweaty from the excessive summer heat beaming down on the neighborhood.
Profile: Isabelle Schaeffer
Dislikes: war, classic music, her loved ones getting hurt, romance movies, her shortness, people calling her short, puzzles, sad endings and people who brutalized children. \*was sexually abused by her stepfather when she was 9.
A new problem.
The voice was younger then i would have expected, but it still held the classic authoritarian tone held by most commanders. which is what i assumed he was as i heard and felt the tell tale thundering of a power armor suit.
Horny boy (part 2)
I started to think about the classic scene from disney's "the jungle book": the famous first encounter between mowgli and kaa. i imagined to be mowgli and live stage hypnosis, that after the phrase of bagheera: "please, go to sleep, mancub".
The icecream into a bucket, they was hanging under the counter. before long scotty sat before the bank of machines that churned out the soft dairy confection. he suckled the chocolate hose while he pulled the vannila handle down. two hoses at once for the classic
Public Enemy
Clyde or the thing which had once been clyde the raccoon had his surviving natural eye and an implanted bionic one propped open, and he was forced to watch days and weeks of horrendous fare such as _10,000 ways to die, ultimate warrior,_ and reruns of such classics
A Noir- Prolouge
"okay so here's what we got," i muttered to myself, "a classic introvert, couldn't have any enemies, though in the instance of her kidnapping no one would know she would be gone."