Wasteland Survivor – A Voice From Heaven - ch5

We woke to a message that we were to bring the new additions to the major for a debriefing. "sir, crystal and fox reporting with second lieutenant jennings and private cots of sigs as ordered. sir."

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Wasteland Survivor – Union - ch12

"~ gah, how could he stand this, i was losing track of my regular debriefing. ~"got to focus on some things for now sergeant, damn good to have you back with us."~ ~"good to be back ssir!"

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Wasteland Survivor – Training and consequences - ch27

"tomorrow, runts, i want you in debriefing room four, your training will begin then." and with that he turned and left. talk about how to give someone a sleepless night.

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The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 2

The debrief was going a lot slower than anticipated. it was already 8:22 a.m. and judy was on her sixth cup of coffee. nick, having completed his report was leaning back in his chair snoring lightly.

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Into the Killzone

The squad was in the debrief/brief room, alias had been led off to a room some where and jasper was staring straight ahead being circled by the small general. 'well?' 'we were entering a potentially hazardos zone sir.' 'of course you were!

Dragon in the Dungeon 11 Summary pt.1

There, sylva is debriefed by kylaryn. sylva expresses concern in the solders switching from coating their arrows in bluecap posion to bishop's bile, as kylyra was hit by several of them during their raid on corvin's location.

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Echoes Chapter 12

They have a general idea as to what happened on the aura station, but they want to debrief you immediately." jack examined the man, then asked "and if we refuse?"

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On the Rim, Ch 16: Sean "Claw" Badger

B) captain archie gets a debriefing from the away team and begins preparing a plan to deal with possible robotic aggressors then goes out on an excursion that ends in some action.

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Heroes Beneath Us: Chapter 6

Each person had one, but he still debriefed them. "that's a week of downtime we have. department has their own people doing recon, so we're just on standby." the team listened closely. it was eight individuals in total.

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Star Fox: Temptation Chapter 1

Fox had just finished a debriefing video conference with general pepper regarding the end of the war and was heading back to his quarters.

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The Convoy

Several of the scientists were on hand to pick up their cargo, and the team was debriefed. "what do you mean, you were attacked by metal 'things'? the officer on site was a wolf, brown fur colour, a lieutenant.

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Cosmic Winter

Derek finally made his way out of the locker room and headed for the debriefing that would inevitably lead to him getting yelled at by his captain again.

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