That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 6: Friendship (part 1)
Read more: cascada - everytime we touch lyrics []( copied from
Bring The Boys Back Home
Suddenly the lyrics rang out. _"bring the boys back home!"_ all three mice were in shock; even throttle's thought processes crashed dead still as he watched. "_bring the boys back home!"
You Won't Fall, I Promise
**you won't fall, i promise by:** kiyo - 20 march 2006 flamedramon x exveemon **notes:** _au; title came from lyrics in the song i was listening to earlier today. lyrics are at the bottom of the page.
Special Performance
As the crowd began to cheer fang started off as he played his guitar with the drummer following the beat as tamati readied himself when it came for the first part of the lyrics.
They spent the rest of the time working on possible lyrics, leaving the rap lyrics to their lead rapper, before joining up with the others for dinner and dance practise.
A second chance song chosen: second chance by shinedown lyric video: []( lyrics: [
That Gay Goth Dog: New Beginning 2
The lyrics started, and my heart dropped, the lyrics telling the story of me.. my heavy heart was crying, but not a whimper came from my muzzle, i didnt want to cry again.
Musical Revelations
Retsuko entered the karaoke bar, the same one she went to, the same one she'd wailed screaming lyric after lyric.
Ch.21 (Moverment 3) Overture.
He listened with half an ear as he worked on the piece, thinking back to the lyrics. \*\* "i'm sure glad you could come dal." dalten sr. drawled lazily, sitting on the porch.
Rhythm and Backsides, Part Two
Somehow, he managed to keep his voice and his wits about him all the while, singing the lyrics that he'd dedicated to memory only hours before.
Warm Up | 20 - A Good Lesson In Love
The first paragraph are lyrics from the song, around the part i enjoy the most. this is also what lead to the 4,200th word that i wrote in one day.
Down to the River
Lips whisper the lyrics deep and low. melody intended for herself alone, but the words are just loud enough for other attentive ears to hear... if only the owls choose to listen.