Commission: Tournament on Monster Island Part 16
Some of them planned to use this tactic, this strategy, this combat training in their next tournament both at their native lands and in this tournament next year.
Commission: Tournament on Monster Island Part 12
It's finally time for the next round of the tournament, the stones are glowing again, the fighters are prepared and now we get to find out who will be knocked from the standings.
Commission: Uninvited Tournament Part 11
#2 of uninvited tournament nobody ever said that the uninvited tournament would be easier, but even more dangerous are the matches of those who have lost that take place in between the tournaments.
Tik Tik's Tower 6
As an artifact for an erotic tournament, the stick of champions was powered and guided not by some divine secret but by the generation of carnal pleasure.
Squeaks vs. Collith 1
#94 of tik tik and the tournament of pleasure in this matchup in that tournament of pleasure, it's squeaks, the mousey magician from the future, versus collith, the spiderboy spidermaid!
Heckabun vs Gayle 1
#56 of tik tik and the tournament of pleasure in this round of the tournament of pleasure, the succubus-for-hire heckabun takes on the leader of the anteronian sexual liberation movement, the harpy, gayle.
Milah vs Winnow 1
#77 of tik tik and the tournament of pleasure in this match of the tournament of pleasure, the paladin feline, milah takes on the strange scientist, kazue "winnow" yukimora.
Greyhound Gryphon vs LiFixe 2
#80 of tik tik and the tournament of pleasure today on the tournament of pleasure, we see the exciting conclusion of greyhound gryphon versus lifixe.
Studying Shusk
#24 of tik tik and the tournament of pleasure tik tik travels far and wide, seeking champions for the tournament of pleasure. in this journal entry, she recounts how she met shusk the lizardman.
Zozafina vs. Chanda Part 1
#18 of tik tik and the tournament of pleasure the champions are gathered for the next round of the tournament of pleasure. meet zozafina and chanda in this preamble to their fight.
Blair the Dragon Mouse vs. Asha 1
#29 of tik tik and the tournament of pleasure this match in the tournament of pleasure breaks the rules of space and time, because it features two characters from possible alternate futures.
Archery Lessons | Chapter One
Puerile fantasies of winning her own tournament filled her mind as she lay in bed, distracting her from her thoughts as she drifted off to sleep.