Recommended Product

The lights of the house flickered to life as though sensing the approaching movement, and a few more moments later the sound of the key turning in the lock and the door opening filled the air as the shark man that had opened it entered into the...

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The Witches

"Will there be anything else you require for your meeting?" The hotel manager asked as a final tray of water pitchers was wheeled into the meeting room. "No, that will be all. I will ask again that we remain undisturbed for the duration of...

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Transfer Student

Mr. Werner was sure that Samuel had plenty of good reasons to avoid joining the track team, but that didn't make his rejections any less frustrating. Plenty of athletes decided to specialize in one sport and focus on it after a certain point in their...

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Overlord Kinktober

"Now who's promiscuous?" The succubus chides. You only chuckle. Albedo laughs in return and silences you by taking your lower lip between her teeth and nipping. With a whine, you squirm beneath her, slipping your tongue past her lips to siege her...

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Ghost Busting

You know, if anyone had asked me before I died what I wanted for my funeral, I would've been modest. I probably would have said something along the lines of, "Oh,I don't want it to be sad. It should be a celebration of life! I want it to be a party!"...

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Free Samples

As usual the kitchens in Jerkah's realm were as busy as ever; creatures of all kinds were walking around attempting to prepare the various meals for not only the realm but all those that the chocolate crocodile served in many other spots in the...

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Infinite Carnival

Infinite Carnival By Zatarra L. Vulpe The park sign was hidden in leaves and bark, the asphalt free of any yellow stains or tires. The hills were covered in long stretches of green for miles around, with any taming influences winding off like old,...

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Here Kitty Kitty

# Here Kitty Kitty By Zatarra L. Vulpe Adius was bouncing to the beat. It wasn't what he wanted. Certainly the music was intense enough to carry the lion through dancing laser beams and thudding base hits, but something about it... It didn't reach...

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Head Case

Head Case By Zatarra L. Vulpe The window took not even a full minute to open. Jek poked his beanie capped head in. Nothing. It was pure white inside, kind of like those utopist colonies near Saturn. He didn't know they still sprung for the...

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A Family Affair 2: The Forge

A Family Affair: Part 2 - The Forge Commissioned by Sergewolf Characters and settings belong to the Jacques estate. Sagaxus blearily roused himself off of his bed. The feeling of aches all over his body wasn't unusual for the warrior, but these were...

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Dear Diary [Story / TG]

# **_Thursday, January 4th, 2018_** Dear diary, Fuck you. And fuck you too, Dr. Swalley. # # **_Friday, January 12th, 2018_** This is the stupidest shit I've ever done, I swear to god. Fine. Fine. For Kiera. _"You don't talk much, Tony,"_ she...

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Ch 1: Jordan's Surprise

It was late by the time the 15-year old was dropped off at home, but even through the dim light of the street lamps, he could tell something was going on. Several cars were parked in front of the house, the lights were dim inside, but there was music...

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