Demon's Release
The demon hissed out and then snarled sharply as something pushed towards the tip of the shaft.
Demons Inside
Hey, how's it going? Me? Fucking awful. Seriously. I never want a blowjob again. What happened? Buy us a drink and I'll tell you. Heh. Knew you couldn't resist a good story. So, you know that I've been living out in the country with Jake and Nate,...
The Demon and the Raven
The demon was already in possession of his assistant, and they hadn't even gotten to the point of binding the demon proper. prowler was certainly a better hunter than many of his brethren, he would admit that much.
Depression Demon
The world comes into color once more and the demon vanishes think for a second demons don't just die..and that's when you see the demon standing in the corner watching knowing it's not over.
An Escape of Demons
**an escape of demons** **i** faith gave a grunted sigh as she laid back into the hot water of her bath, it hadn't felt so hot to her when she had started the tap, nor to her feet when she stepped into it.
Demon Seeding
And there's plenty of danger that comes with letting an unhinged demon in on your private fantasies. they might just come true, when you least expect it. contains: gender transformation, rough demonic sex, and breeding!
A Demon Underfoot
"sleep, little demon. sleep."
Demonic Control
Not even the most powerful succubi and incubi had been able to impose such sensory overload on him.
Demonic Cleansing
Zylan is a monk who hunts demons under the command of his temple.
Demon Blood: The Half Demon And The Sword Of Light
As they are traveling to find the strange traveler they end up fighting some demons and learn that there is indeed a demon lord that has been summoning demons to attack the kingdoms.
Family Values: Book 1 - Chapter 2
Basically." he smiled as he said it, but it was with a little more lustre than the other demons were accustomed.
Demon Castle Digitalpotato - Sidetracked to Demon Castle Gabriel
#4 of demon castle digitalpotato selth is © selth gabriel is © dragonflayer "hey digitalpotato or whoever the 'dracula' is in this demon castle. you're lazy!" selth shouted to nobody in particular.