Baited and Stoned
The green and black scaled reptilian had always been secretive about his nesting spots, but since no harm had ever come to his eggs aside from unforeseen difficulties in temperature control, natural disasters, or other unpredictable acts of nature, he had
The Life of an Absol
I am said to bring disaster, doom, whenever i wake up soon, your people show a face of gloom.
Autumn Authoring Ad-lib Adventure, Day 6
"the anniversary of a disaster" 3. reunion 4. charismatic 5. nemesis **today's seed is: wonder** when adding onto your story, separate each submission by five hyphens. example: - - - - - and then continue your tale.
Zoids: History of Zi - Part 002
With fewer natural disasters to reduce their numbers their population began to expand at a phenomenal rate, allowing them to colonize the majority of the planet within the span of several thousand years.
Autumn Authoring Ad-lib Adventure, Day 13
"the anniversary of a disaster" 3.
W.O.L.F. 5 - Darwin Zones
It seems the room worked for good ten years after the disaster too. and the number of nuke-batts picked from various devices would suffice for powering at least a part of it up.
Autumn Authoring Ad-lib Adventure, Day 14
"the anniversary of a disaster" 3.
One Dot Below the I
#5 of poetry five short poems the way you come in crashing through the ceiling in your burning nightgown screaming with your mouth all smeared and blood pouring from your ears and into our quiet living space you briefly remind us of the impending disaster
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 14
"and you expect me to keep this natural disaster of a wolf in check till then? all by myself?" "what natural disaster? you mean hezzi?" hezzi looked up from the breadbox and smiled, two big hot cross buns impaled on his canines, side by side.
Drudgery (HH)
"a little disaster, isn't it?" a little disaster would've been losing one toe to a bomb. losing the entire leg would probably count as a big disaster. i wondered how it would've gone for the croco-man here.
Autumn Authoring Ad-lib Adventure, Day 25
"the anniversary of a disaster" 3.
Chapter 4: Curbing the desire.
I heard a few conversations about the disaster but my mind kept going back to dirty thoughts. being so close to so many and holding back was testing me.