Look What Big Daddy Found? 3

"oh we're so gay, ohhhhhh we're so gay, we're so gay, we're so gay, so gay, so gay, so gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, ohhhhhhhhhh we're sooooooo gaaaaaaay." screamed cloud and royakan in pleasure.

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Reverend, I Yiffed Your Son

It sickened me; my mom knew i was gay. i told her on my eighteenth birthday, six months ago. ever since then she has dragged me to this fag-hatting church, in hope i'll be changed. but everyone knows once you go gay, you can't go straight.

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Badd Hypno

"..all gay!" darby spoke loudly, as though to silence benjy's criticism. "all-male, all-gay superhero squad! that's what you all are supposed to be." "kind of hard to do when not everyone here's gay."

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Our Best Endeavor

"heh ... mm, yeah," he breathed, giving her a light kiss. "mm." he hugged her to him, both of them on their sides. "mm ... don't wanna shower yet. just wanna lay with you. just wanna breathe you.

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First for everything

Just a few months back, i was someone who had no idea what other gay males do, how they lived... other than their bedroom activities, of course. at least i knew that i was gay, i suppose.

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Chapter 1: New Beggining

"no, i am gay." i answered him. "oh... really?" he retorted. "yes... is that a problem?" i asked back. "no no not at all... i have a friend who is gay... well. i am going to bed for the night. nice meeting you, nosmo."

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Bound And Raped Tiger

_i'm not gay. i'm not gay. i'm not gay. i'm not gay. i'm_ fear paralyzed his muzzle from speaking. sean trembled at the soft paws touching his toned body. they started at his nipples, then moved slowly down to his sheathed member.

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Ditch or Hitch Version 1.02 + Older Games

Setting combinations: everything: i am a man/woman + everything + allow sex-changes all males (gay): i am a man + homosexual only + no sex-changes all females (lesbian): i am a woman + homosexual only + no sex-changes male player with all female npcs

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Twin Kiss

mm ... yeah ... a sigh from her. "field ... " my eyes are now closing. "mm ... what," i whisper. "you said you'd take me to the twin kiss ... " the twin kiss is the ice cream place in sheridan, the nearest town.

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Saebian: chapter 1 (revised)

His name is thomas. they are both gay, and not just gay...im talking f.l.a.m.e.i.n.g." he chuckled at this "you should have seen xi last halloween, he was dressed like that little human girl from the nursery ryhme.

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I noted the sites claming to turn gays straight and sometimes i'd wish they could help me.

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Inferno High - Chapter 7

'cuddling' all night with each other is still a pretty sure sign that you're gay. x admits to it." [isaac] x blushed and turned away, "seth's not gay." "oh, good for you, seth. you broke his heart."

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