The UmbreGlace Experience: Chapter 4
Show everyone out there at that tournament that the hybrids aren't inferior." tyler piped up from below the bunks, "you might need something else. a background song. every one of the great tournament fighters has one.
Dragon - Mouse Bonding
#36 of tik tik and the tournament of pleasure blair the dragon mouse seeks out training for the tournament of pleasure, and draykan is just the dragon to help her!
Draykan's Test
#102 of tik tik and the tournament of pleasure draykan's inclusion in the tournament of pleasure has riled a few dragons up, and one of them wants to see if he's truly worthy to represent them.
Confronting Galenna 1
#137 of tik tik and the tournament of pleasure galenna has always seen draykan as her own, but after seeing her beloved with clarendala, the elf decides its time to take manners into her own hands.
Squad Goals - Ch24
This is only the third time in tournament history that a four-man team managed to qualify, but you can see why.
Moyo Wa Shujaa 2
I'm sure you have heard of this world jam tournament right?" erik nodded his head yes. "well, we were going to enter players for the tournament....but we had zero volunteers.
A Fated Reality-Chapter 20
* * * _the next day..._ "the tournament!" "the tournament!" "the tournament!" "...[snores]..." "tournament!" "i forgot about the tournament!" "wait i knew i forgot about something!" "my match!" "oh no! move eva, forgot about my match!" "eh.
Electric Touch: Chapter 22 (mPikachu x fRaichu)
Soon, sceptile's tournament was dismantled, as everyone left to search for pikachu all over the city.
Chapter 17
"hey james, by the way, are you going to get a weapon for the tournament?" james looked over at algon, a bit surprised. "why would i do that? it would take too long to learn; there's no time."
The Tournament: Part One
#3 of archived zebraverse - old kingo takes part in a tournament. part one of three. "our yearly tournament for the best fighters is due to begin! all veteran warriors and those experienced with weapons of war are encouraged to attend!
Carnal Combat, Part VI - Revelations
As the tournament progressed, interest in suki waned. she was still called on occasionally, but no more than any other slave.
Yugioh NG Ep.1
He was disappointed with how many tournament players always seemed to play the same way, 'find a deck formula that wins online and copy it' he thought to himself.