Quarantine: A night with the girls
(This is based off an RP that is running in the public thread. The public RP is called Quarantine and is open to anyone who wants to join. More Quarantine stuff can be found on Shadowofintent's page found here: ...
Take my elites and find them, mwenzi. find your friend and bring her to me. go." mwenzi and mchawi's elites ran off eastward with thunderous roars, the white-furred tyrant smiling wickedly as she watched her huntresses. _soon_, she thought.
Fucked Four Ways from Sunday
Before you, resting down on the floor, on her knees, or as close as she could get to her knees, having an extra joint in them which caused her to rest and tilt her legs sideways, flaring her oh so curved hips outward even more, is a sangheilian woman....
Halo's untold story ch1. Meet the stars
The covenant is an alliance of mad religious aliens, sangheli (referred to by humans as "elites") was one of the species that made up the covenant war machine, though at the end of the war the sangheli split from the covenant and allied the humans.after the
Hellfire: Restationed
The elite lifted a fist and brought it down on top of his helmet hard. he stumbled back dazed at the blow. it laughed at him as he took a moment to clear his head.
arbiter tortured
advertensia esta historia contiene contenido adulto, se recomienda discrecion, no me hago responsable si alguien que no esta acostumbrado a ver este contenido ve esta historia thel vadam despierta en una especie de...
Captain's Cream
Space was a vast, beautiful place full of mystery and secrets, but there was far too little sex in it. At least, that was how Jshara was starting to feel after weeks of chaste travel towards their destination. The old cargo ship ran just fine with a...
The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 41 - The Inner Circle
"one of the elite four, a general of the digimon forces." _no wonder they were all so terrified!_ gatomon nodded. "and the elite four are..." "myotismon, wargreymon, and ladydevimon... and yourself of course." he completed..
Elegance, strength and courage
Erik was one of the most powerful trainers in sinnoh's elite four.
He was on mount lanakila and the elite four had defeated him. this would be the third time this happened. "hey kid," a sketchy looking man with a dirty trench coat came up to him, "i got something for ya." andrew stopped, waiting for him to continue.
Some test story intended for testing, test.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
Rictus Cenotaph: Chapter 8 - Encounter
Evans pulled the elite towards him as they reached the top floor, and flung both of them through the door, slamming his hand on the console to shut it!