Vault of Violent Vanity

metaphysically karla can suddenly perceive a connection to him she did not know existed before. karla lays down and opens herself to invite him inside of her.

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WG I - Catharsis

The church encouraged it; the priests took a definite metaphysical thrill in painting the cross atop such heraldry - god symbolically asserting his dominance over mere mortal vanity.

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The Institute: Collaboration

Perhaps there is something to this legendry you humans have of some metaphysical force that guides it all." zant sipped his tea elegantly. "i will admit i do have some curiosity about the matter though, but you've been kind enough to encourage that."

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Renzyl's Worldswide Tour, Departure: Jerkah's Realm

Those cuffs you're wearing will allow you to be able to connect with me on a metaphysical level, plus some limited control over rubber. given what you and scythe got up to with that, i think you'll know exactly what to do with them.

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Beasts of Barlow Road 6 (Rough Draft)

All the students you see here has some sort of metaphysical condition, some dormant, and some active. we keep a special eye on a student's volatile years...when your condition is primed to awaken.

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Where i should be located, in the metaphysical sense, and who would have and control access to me, in the very literal sense. to which entity was i attached? the federation, or clans doro, nammi, shedus, ardor, et. al.?

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Returning the Favor (2/2)

It helped reinforce his control, linking the physical pleasure that he was feeling to the metaphysical sensations he was experiencing here.

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Promised Landing

We figured since you've recreated the grounds of the inn back when it was still just a cute little tree house bed and breakfast, there would be plenty of metaphysical space. you shouldn't be manifesting anyone physically.

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Black Meridian 20: Blot in Your Eyes

"the man ain't right, got a penchant for strange metaphysical concepts, i remember him ranting about the past, about perception, crazy ideas like how self-awareness is fake, how we have no free will." "and now he's recruited a small army to his cause."

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Possessing Possessions (2/2)

I think that even though he's turning me into a dragon something is happening to us metaphysically, like we're affecting each other. like i'm getting his libido and he's getting my preferences..."

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A Temptation for the Jedi

But not the metaphysical. "something the matter, little jedi?" he asked. "nnngh. you - you have no - nngh!" a little dance of his finger kept that grope going, the cheeks spreading visibly as the jedi tried to keep his footing.

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Roads Untraveled - Part VIII

\<Viola, huh?\> Ilaria sighed as opened the bulkhead to the command module for the day. \<You're sure you want to meet her?\> Michelle, alone for once, pouted to her mother as she misinterpreted her body language towards the negative. \<I know you...

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