Blood-Bound Ch5
As soon as i finished, grash bellowed, his blue scales turning scarlet as he lost his temper. i backed against tiran and hoped for the best.
Five-Maw Delivery
The announcement of the price slid through the dragon's brain like water, as his scarlet eyes took in the length of the snake's form, his long tail...
MoonLight Lounge- Kane Plays With Fire
Kane lavished attention on her scarlet colored breast, swirling the black nipple with his tongue. she murmured softly under her breath and presented him with the other breast.
Background Check
scarlet gasps as i continue to take a few inches of his length at a time, lavishing every bit of reachable area with my tongue regardless.
Kazufox Interview #9
All hell breaks loose as the girls are killing each other to get into kazufox's room~ \*scarlet\*: (crawls toward door) looks like i win. \*miyu\*: (grabs scarlet's tail) he's my boyfriend! ~miyu starts swinging mario style.
A link to the past
Cyndrithil realized the pool of scarlet, penetrated deep below the ground, seeping into the dirt and sucking the land dry. reaching a paw into the scarlet pool, an ice-cold sensation washed over his scales, numbing like a burn.
A Mild Sky
#14 of all they knew a lazy day is ended with a scarlet view. the remainder of the day was indolent. skye had been traveling all over sinnoh with ruki over just a few days, and they would be right back out tomorrow. skye needed a break.
Reptilian Trinity Chapter 8
"if i remember correctly from what dusk said after we escaped from scarlet city, he walked in on the two of you having sex, right?" "yeah..." genesis sighed.
shadow and light
Nina stayed quite the rest of the ride and stayed quite intel her aunt scarlet arrived she ran and hugged her as scarlet told roy to make sure they suffer.
Just Shadow
I tried to sketch a smile on my face, but a residue of scarlet was weighing down the sharpness of my cheekbones.
Aphrodite City 10: Daybreak
The street grew deathly silent as the scarlet countess and her female entourage promptly returned to the relative safety of her renovated fortress.
Fighting for Love
"oh, scarlet! you've got me!" he said to warn me about the incoming fluids. i held onto him and felt the white cum flow into my mouth like a heavy drink.