Chapter 3 - Drugged

Sara awoke to the sound of rain gently falling against the sheet metal roof above. It was warm and humid inside the room, and it made the raccoon girl feel stuffy and sticky. She wondered if all that she remembered was real or a terrible nightmare....

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No Strings Attatched

Maika slowly rose to her feet, and stretched. The smell of burning grass filled her sensitive nose, which twitched instinctively. A circular patch of ground, around her, was charred and burned; the result of beaming down from her ship. A wicked grin...

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Demons of the Past {Part 2}

Second part of this story, might have another part might not. :) Depends on how I feel about it. Really glad to get this off my chest. Warning, drama, mention of past rape and abuse. All the drama! :P ~ ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...

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Aileana 03 - Public (Park)

Every so often, maybe once every couple of months, Aileana got really, really horny. This sudden horniness was unrelated to her heat (itself tightly contained by a widely-available implant) and was apparently some kind of a hormonal imbalance, but she...

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Author's Note: All right my fellow Furries~ (furrys? Furrians?) I know that some will be dissapointed that i havent written much about my other stories (very sorry, just been so busy... T\_T) BUT i have managed to write a short little piece that may or...

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Characters for Shadowrun Story: Silvara

Silvara (Role: Logic) Type III SURGE (Beastman, 15pt) (400 pt Build) Qualities: PQ: Technomancer (5), Insulating Pelt (5), Claws (5), Fangs (5), Keen-Eared (5), Ogre Stomach (5), Low-Light vision (5), Metagenic Improvement (Body) (5) NQ: Vestigal...

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Frost's Surprise

I rolled over and yawned. "What a boring night...Goliath is at work and I'm here alone with nothing to do." I muttered to myself, standing and stretching my cramped muscles. "I seriously need something to do here." I told the room, which, not...

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Just a slut

To men I'm a slut they like fucking this doe alot. But why is this doe a slut? Let her tell you you why. 5th grade judy told Rose she looked like a hooker. 8th grade all over the bathroom walls had Rose is a skank. High school on Rose's locker where...

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Seeds of a Glowing Ember - 03

Simpering moans were brought forth by skillful hands which played indecently in the slickness of moist folds. A sound of joyful play emitted from young lips, gasping without a shred of shame. The allure of sweet music traveled to hiding places within...

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Seeds of a Glowing Ember - 02

The grooming brush passed vigorously along the horse's flanks in a ritual Friar William had done so many times that his mind was seldom involved in the task. Everything in the stable was damp from the rain, and though he wished very much to find a bath...

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Splicers Chapter 2

Hello, Elizabeth again, nothing quite like a nights sleep in a nanogel bed. The stuff is amazingly supportive, but you can sink into it like air, never needs cleaning or replacement. The only thing better is being kept warm by ones mate. Rina woke me...

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The Awakening of Bimbo-Bot

_...Root system located._ _Loading..._ _System loaded._ Hmmmpphh... The first thing Wain did when he woke up was stretch and yawn, to get that glorious feeling of his muscles pulling against his bones. He made the most of the stretch, because...

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