Beyond the Blinding Lights pt4: Fire and Flames
The Ashkar fell back screaming as the Body Forge entered its final stages, and it was clear what the shapeless blob of aurous energy had become. Many had fled as soon as they had realised they were confronting a Dragon, and the more quick witted ones...
Beyond the Blinding Lights part 2; Down a Darker Path
no yiff yet, but gettin there. bear with me! \*\*\* Sara finished cleaning the glass and set it on the rack with the rest. Picking up another, she set about it with a scrap of rag, polishing away smudges and the layer of grime they invariably...
On Leave
It was leave, a time for us soldiers to be free and see our families. Danny and the boys went back state side while I jumped on the first Army flight out to the South Pacific; down there was the closest thing I had to a home. 10,000 miles from the war...
Torn Ch. 2 - The Struggles of War & Love
| # | | | | Torn - Ch. 2 The Struggles of War & Love DISCLAMER: Alright, to you young whippersnappers, don't read this, I know you will, I did when I was 16, so when you do, please dear god, lock your door, don't want...
Forbidden Affairs - Like Father Like Son
Victoria stood up slowly, a mixture of calm and chaos flowing through her blood. Tessica looked at her from across the hospital bed, the sobs of the abused kitten a pitiful ambiance. The Albino panther turned and walked towards the door of the...
Composition FF-SxD 06
[This story's creational documentation is tagged at December 2009] # COMPOSITION FF-SxD 06 Shale looked wearily down at the worn and wrinkled slip of paper in his paw, his eyes grazing over the words, even though he'd...
Star Fox: An Unexpected Mission: Chapter 10
First I will say that I am sorry for having all of you wait this long for my new updates. College exams were going on, and I had to make them my first priority before I could do anything else. With that being said, I am proud to announce that I am...
The Use of Power - Part Four
The march to Juneas' fortress began the following morning. Nearly all of the army went on foot, carrying their weapons and armor, while some drove or rode in the carts of supplies and equipment and a few--the highest-ranking human officers--rode on...
Alpha Raptor 3
ALPHA RAPTOR 3 By: NAHUALMORPH Baal and Naraak are property of NX-300 and are used with his consent. Disclaimer:This is the continuation of the Alpha raptor series and it contains the same things as the previous two: M/M sex scenes...
Final Curve
Final Curve The rain falling behind me seemed to land in sheets, ribbons of white that struck the dark pavement and obliterated it in a fountain of light. I knew that it was all fake, that none of it was real, but that didn't make me want to stop...
SWAT KATS: Take A Chance On Me Ch. 15
Take A Chance On Me Chapter 15: Please Speak To Me ~Rita's House~ (Lets see I got my purse and keys, the doors of the house are locked and the stove is off. There's some laundry downstairs that need to be folded later, but that can wait...
Stranger Part 4
Jav slammed on the brakes, bringing the car to an abrupt halt in front of the museum. "Just in time! ...Are you all right? He asked, noticing Kit's dazed expression. Kit still hadn't gotten fully used to Jav's driving style. "I-I'll be fine after...