Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 19: Big Animals Scaring Little Animals

"we big animals tend to do that to you little animals. fear makes the meat taste even better!" i was incensed at that monster's insensitive statement. how dare he!!!

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In Living Monochrome [Story Trade]

animal, he guesses. the beginnings of a thin tail was apparent. the detail the artist went through was... commendable, if just a little disturbing.

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Oblitum Ch4

**WARNING** **this chapter will contain a lemony scene so if you're not into that then skip over it. (not the whole chapter just the lemony part)** **I don't own Digimon only my characters and story.** **As always please review and enjoy.** **So...

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Zootopia: Time Is Immaterial

Judy, on the other hand, had become quite street smart, hustling to get information and knowing all the ways animals evaded the cops. she may have only been doing it for the past week, but she showed nick the good side of hustling.

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Meaningless Renamon

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. I don't own digimon; all characters are copyrights of TOEI and their respective companies. I am very poor and I do not get any rewards from writing stories, so...

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Beauty and the Beast prequel

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **Beauty and the Beast prequel** ** Patricia was hiding behind a bush. There was a small temple not far from him and his...

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Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 1: Plush in the Night

Ben woke gradually to chill darkness. The world around him had changed. When sunrise had brought sleep, he'd been on a high shelf in a brightly lit room. Below had been a pile of much smaller plush friends. Now he was at one end of a low platform...

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Wu Sisters: Enter the Darkness

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **Wu Sisters: Enter the Darkness** ** ** **"Sisters,...

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The Start of Something Beautiful

I've been playing a lot of animal crossing lately, so i thought it'd be fun to write a story about my favorite villager and i. i originally wrote it about a goat villager, but modified it so pretty much any species could be put in the female's place.

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Neko Mimi 5- Copy, Cut, Delete

"Something about this doesn't feel right, S.A.R.A." I held my Sentella-phone in one hand as I raced through the mall toward the blaring alarms on the other end of the mall. My holographic helper was busy scanning the mall blueprint. Judging from...

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Being Human

The truth is there's no more science that could end their constant searching, because they are flawed and human, and you are becoming an animal. why don't you believe you're an animal as you step into your fur?

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From The Voice Of A Slaughter House Chicken

Minutes an hour of your work for my lifetime and why go into this morbid mindset because it is best to know that the circle of life is not just a pretty disney song title and that when i die you eat but when you die do i eat and is not that fair you are an animal

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