Kept Back II - A Tale of Two Kitties
**Kept Back II - A Tale of Two Kitties** _A sequel to Kept Back ([]( While it is not strictly necessary to read it first, why not give it a try?_ Jacob Jones...
Cell Seduction
Nothing but a bitch? well, you better be a good bitch from now on, if you want to avoid getting sent to solitary. if i find even one more thing, i swear, i'm not going to be so nice." "oooooh...i get it...i under - ah! - understand, sylin!"
Teaser: Balto's Fanfiction: Insatiable Bitches
"you oversexed bitch." jenna said, before she was pushed on her back and a wide white muzzle pushed between her hind quarter. the red bitch moaned as a wide tongue slurped on her bitch-hole.
Eating for a Litter (m/F)
Just a very quick little story about a beautiful bitch. it was something straight out of my most sensual dreams. mrs.
Bad Doggie or Bad Bitch
I didn't bother with much else, i was a hot bitch regardless. spinning on my heel i left the dorms heading over to the party.
Catholic Bitch: Cathouse for Dogs
"take it all, bitch!" he groaned, and not for the first time. he'd always liked feminizing his partners, but this time she was actually a bitch. "i hope you're ready for puppies, because here they come!" meaghan blinked. "puppies? but i thought..."
Catholic Bitch: Break Out
"ohhh, bitch, that's good," the husky-mix said. he seemed to be growing larger inside of her, as if that were even possible!
That one, Pink bitch - Introduction
That bitch of mine never gives me attention nowadays.. it's always about the kids.. mrr.. this is her own fault!"
Catholic Bitch: Randy in the Park
Finally losing himself, randy howled, "take it, bitch!" shuddering and moaning, anne said, "i'm yours! i'm your bitch!"
Catholic Bitch: Bandit's Lesson
Usually bitches made him take the first move, but this poodle was a fluffy white slut underneath all of that indignation.
# high school is a bitch! written by mcleod --- --- --- [: one :] --- --- --- _ "momma, catch me!"
Pay back can be a bitch...
#1 of pay backs pay back can be a bitch the small red fox... pay back can be a bitch the small red fox wandered down the cramped dark isles, of the strange occult shop. reading the labels of all the potions and pilfers.