Terminology and Names

The asset or concept in question can also be industrial output or material.

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tortured artist - poem

Loved you like you were my canvas thoughtful intentions time dedicated precious moments spent together they never last forever although we made messes i loved your imperfections i saw beauty in your everything not for your colors not for your concept

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Coming Up Next!

Keep in mind, this is just concept art, so it's probably going to look a little different once it's all finished. what do you think? who do you think they are? what do you think the story's gonna be about? let me know in the comments.

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Awakened spirit - chapter 4

Without any concept of the certain costs of being a witch beyond ostracization, she continued her release of their mind's union.

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Instead, what's left behind is a concept so fine words cannot hope to capture it's natural purity.

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Leviathan Chapter Fifteen: Lives Lived

Between her and little sister, many new words and mind-objects needed to be defined, concepts like 'loyalty,' 'honor,' and 'society' which had never existed before.

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Great Rp idea!

#1 of stories concept by yuki tsumi, if he approves i'll be posting the rp in a story form! when does the future begin? most will answer 'tomorrow' or 'we don't know'. what if the future was now?


Meet Mala & Chrys

I'm hoping to write something with them soon™ once i come up with a good concept, or just to go into further self-indulgence about their existence.

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Lilith Bio-Solutions

It primary effects are increased womb health, increased chance of successful implantation post conception, improved elasticity of the womb, skin, and cervix, and widening of the pelvis.

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Arein: Night terror

You should have left long before now... any how all the stuff regarding rejuves is a concept by a guy named lurking dragon, and the idea of saiyans (saiyan-jins) are the property of mr.

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Misconceptions Prologue

#1 of conceptions a/n: here we go. the prologue to one of my new stories. its companion is preconceptions. you don't have to read them together, as the only difference is the pov.

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Raising Capital

On old terra and a few still independent outworlds there was a concept called a "corporation", it was like a person, yet not.