M&FF: The Sacred Grove

In fact, it was just a dock leading into a dense forest, with a single individual standing on the docks awaiting their arrival. soon the voice came over the speakers again. "last stop, the sacred grove.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 5: Rio's Resolve!

When quicksilver made it to the backyard he saw rio standing on the dock waiting for him. when he got to the dock he asked his question. "what is the meaning of this son?" quicksilver asked. "fire breathing!" rio said.

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The Swords that Bind- Part 3: The Plot Thickens

"only when they docked briefly at vulpini." the dragon smirked. it was not nice. "you may not enjoy this planet fall then. one ship of these guys is not the same as their home planet." "ok, can i stay in dock?" "nope.

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Sarah's Journey Part 1

Alida would be smiling at her daughters as she pulls herself up onto the dock and hugs sarah and arana.

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BNA: Evolution

With a heavy push of her wings, michiru angled for the private docks. the sound of a rather annoyed marie getting louder as she approached the very same dock she'd first arrived to anima city a little over three years ago.

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49 (DSV Nautica) Remains

"alert, all engineering teams to the docks immediately; damaged ship inbound." he sprang to action and hauled it out of the living spaces. he wasn't the only one. there were quite a few others hurrying to the docking area.

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Born to Serve - 03

Looking back to the docks, maya took another breath. "courage," she whispered to herself and she swallowed back all of her doubts and fears. moving down the dock, she walked along the peer until she found the name of the vessel.

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Warm Up - 3

"docks... docks... docks..." kerrigan said. "head to the docks..." "on the surface?" he wondered, realized his deafness, and pointed straight up to the ceiling to indicate it.

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On Board the Summer Sparks

Vicki sighed deeply and lowered herself back down the steps to the dock. she kicked at the fiberglass hull with a sandled-foot, and the sound made a strange thrum as it vibrated.

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Chapter 1: Record Breaker

The docking rail contained a gangway and umbilicals, and felix began the postflight checklist while the ship slid into the station.

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self realization

As i look to my controls i see we had made dock. "carful to embrace so much can be harmful" -compassion-
