I'd hate to think you was chickening or fowling up the job on us, or some other such barnyard metaphor." "no, sir. not at all. in fact, the job's finished." "then what's the problem? the tower's still standin'." "only just.
The Homecoming of Daniel Usherswell
Some think them merely metaphor. for something else entirely. but i, who claim some kinship with a wolf or two, can tell you that the town of good intentions, nowadays, is not as quiet as when it fell forgotten, hid between the rolling hilltops.
[Commission] Cub Stripping
She slid down the pole and began to strut her way to the tiger who was drinking it all in: both metaphorically and literally as he started drinking straight from the bottle. the badger reached the edge of the stage, hips swaying to the music.
Serenifi: The Fox In The Pink Dress
Thanks for metaphorically freeing me." "don't mention it." serenity replied, before they all fell asleep on the couch, cuddling each other. the end
The deep connection between us both literal and metaphorical had me giving into my basest desires... and that was okay. "it's okay, love, you did good." i said with a kiss, to which she turned her head and returned against my lips.
Gorthorn: Chapter 8: Adaptation
Yes, he could accept the metaphor, but control came first. demeanor was drilled into royals, and sometimes he wondered if he were actually helpful or if it just served to clutter up his mind for no reason.
Sibling Rivalries 5: Love Struck Feline
She decided to go for the jugular, metaphorically. she crossed one leg over the other and looked at him with a smile. "so scar. is there anything that you'd like to tell me?
Flashback (Working Title) - Prologue
He could only pray that the light at the end of the tunnel remained strictly metaphorical. ?
You remember a book explaining the origins for the whole light thing in the bible, that to the people of the ancient middle east light was used as a metaphor for a god's presence and darkness for the god's lack of favor.
The Naked Singularity
It's a big metaphor. it's a canine who wants a way out from the grind, but knows there isn't one. life sucks, but there's hope somewhere out there. the trick is in how to find it. it was a shame things weren't going to work out between us.
Sirius: Book one - The Beginning: Chapter 5: All crew prepare to launch
Axis flew, metaphorically, up the stairs with an almost giddy anticipation. he listened for the commander to call numbers to him as he looked around the catwalk.
On The Studies of Magical Pets
You weren't making a metaphor?" zach looked as confused as a mouse could be. "i don't do metaphors." mab replied. she closed her eyes. "third floor, turn right, room 305. it's unoccupied.