Sunlight Tiger's Battle

#2 of non furry an extensive metaphor about both the sunrise and the sunset. as i look towards the sea i notice a tiger like sky stalking the earth around it.


The Perfect Flower

Lost and hurt i search the land but it's too late sunrise has come and passed... i try to stand tall i told myself not to cry but they tears, they still fall...

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Underwater Defender

sunrise something to yearn for, yet something yet to learn of. the past so well-known, yet the cane never misses. sunlight nothing to long for, yet something not to scorn at. which was the wrong turn, the missed exit.

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Cronological stories year stories 2300 hello sunrise!

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 14

\* just then the sun started to rise matt: oh sunrise that is when darkness is at its weakest! i am sure we will meet again wyatt! a black portal appeared and matt walked through it.

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Sands Of Acaran 4 - Volounteer?

Cesil began the day as he always did: waking up before the sunrise, doing some basic exercises and then having an ice-cold shower. as the steamy door of the shower opened, he walked off into the room.

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Leafblade - Chapter 8

They ate a quick breakfast and returned to the road before sunrise. valaren seemed distracted as they walked.

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Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Eleven

So, meet me in treyn's ring tomorrow morning at sunrise." "sunrise? but that's..." toke's stomach tied itself into a knot when he caught her meaning. "oh smite, you don't mean we're going to..." the smirk turned into an evil grin. "exactly.

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He who said a Prayer

The trainer turned back to the sunrise as its light started to wash over the pair. "describe it again." "hm?" "the sunrise, describe it again," vix asked again. anthony smiled as he took in the sight for his braixen.

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Chapter 2: Let's Go!

I packed my things up and while i was walking, i saw the sunrise in the horison. it was a beautiful morning and i could already see the mountain closer and closer. i could even see the big cave, which the dragon called home.


CSYA Ch8: Sunrise, Sunset, Swiftly Fly the Years

Cyan team sat in front of Vladimir Kahn's high backed chair, which was turned away from them. Vlad was reading reports on their progress over the past six years. Thrax, Emma and Zane were all now twenty-one, and were about to receive their first...

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 28- Rainbow at Sunrise

Rainbow at sunrise lukan had almost forgotten what to do when he had first gotten up the following day.

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