Sharing the Ultimate Experience (10/10)
It got a lot of people interested in the treatment options and the slick new website that had been put up showed all sorts of treatments for a wide variety of afflictions and even a few mental wellness options.
A Brand New You (5/9)
They started out with some simple stuff, body rubs and sauna treatments while newlyn got to know the two a little better.
A Brand New You (2/9)
"we're calling you because there may have been a glitch in your treatment and need you to come back in order for us to make an asset adjustment.
Beautiful minds
Under her treatment, james began to walk. he began to speak his mind. and wow did he have a beautiful mind.
Uncontrolled Test Group
He then presents skarlath with the last key ingredient of the treatment.
Nate's Fantasy
Enki looks down at the leopard, "time for a new treatment kitty-bitch." enki looks at khem, and motions khem to look down. pleasant surprise registers on khem's face. khem stops chanting, but not fucking.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 140: A Dream Is A Lie, But A Nightmare Is Real (All Of Our Tomorrows Were Yesterday Part Two)
While lea is trying to develop treatment procedures, i think we can best aid her by trying to determine this epidemic's origin before she and i get sick." (i did not think about that.)
Chemical Combination
It never ends well and it interferes with treatment." "yes." gatts cleared his throat, "from now on you will be required to take a full dosing twice a day. agreed?" liam's head nodded on its own, "good boy.
Caeruleus volunteers.
As the two started down she explained, "the hub is in the top basement level, directly below the department for magic-based treatment. this will look rather intimidating, but it's perfectly safe.
Careful What You Wish For | Chapter 1 [Comm]
When his permanent treatment began, his daddy had decided to take a few liberties when it came to the puppy's body.
Open Season Chapter 37: Into The Belly Of The Beast
"as _part_of a comprehensive treatment package, it certainly can do no harm, and i have seen it help some furs recover faster, are you considering adding it?" dr. feliss looked directly at kel with a measuring gaze. "um, yes sir..." kel nodded.
Open Season Chapter 37: Into The Belly Of The Beast
"as _part_of a comprehensive treatment package, it certainly can do no harm, and i have seen it help some furs recover faster, are you considering adding it?" dr. feliss looked directly at kel with a measuring gaze. "um, yes sir..." kel nodded.