Magic roleplay night (comission)
The first thing he saw, was a kind of anthropomorphic dog with his wife's rumps, with a look of deep concern that tyson recognized instantly. -summer, is... is that you? -i'm as confused as you are, but i am, love. -what?
Playing Dog 2
He looks like an anthro-dog to me. are you allowed to keep anthro-dogs as pets? mum always told me not to make fun of anthro-dogs because they look like real dogs and people keep real dogs as pets..." "i think he's cute."
Like a midnight sun
Yes, we'd built a connection, yes - we'd built up a friendship, anthro dog and feral dog, myself and colt, and now my feelings for him were going beyond friendship . . .
Found: Husky
The anthro dog shoved his cock against her cum covered face and slapped her with it. she never felt more alive and dirty.
I don't include species because this applies to real life, and honestly i don't see myself marrying an anthropomorphic dog or horse in real life. it's a work in progress, like everything in life is.
Furry is my Religion
Yeah, milk and cookies aren't healthy for a dog, either, but, i'm no ordinary dog; i'm an anthro-dog. i howl at the moon and lick my balls. i'm not gay, so don't ask me out on a date; unless you're a girl - but not my mom, because that's disgusting.
YCHtober Day 25: Disaster
The pair walked out of the door the anthro dog opened and left. the disaster, later to known as the latex transformation virus, claimed another victim.
The Horatio Chronicles 1: The Cement Walkway (Petrification)
All he saw was some random anthro-dog sculpture, positioned weirdly, actually laying down on its stomach, its butt sticking in the air. he didn't question it - he knew art could be weird sometimes; there was probably meaning in it.
Dog's Day Out - May Rule 34 Story #2 (Teaser)
"how can i---" the man behind the counter looked up at blitz, his eyes growing wide at the anthropomorphic dog in a speedo standing before him. " you?" he finished in a weakened, squeaky voice. "yes. yes. i need one cherry-flavored snow cone..."
Ghost Town Trouble
The pair's eyes widened again as they saw the ghost town now restored and full of life with many anthro dogs walking and talking about, some riding horses and carriages.
The Mistake (Preview)
dogs, anthropomorphic horses and so on, it depends on the animal that fucks her and we will rule the world," the fox said then he laughed evilly.
Tennis Ball Teleportation #1 (Scooby Scarab Doo)
Walking slowly down the path, her eyes scanned the pictures of more anthro dog men and women farming, gathering, building and more among images of pyramids, reeds, and other egyptian related figures including what looked like the scarab from earlier.