Teaching a Young Cub new Tricks

Indeed, the parents were well aware that they had some kind of 'secret base' in there, a home-made tree-house of some description where they no doubt had a marvelous time playing games, sharing gossip and play-fighting.

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Bravery Part II

The boy tied down the heavy tarps to the secret base and looked up worriedly at the sky. the wind was blowing very hard lately, and every night he imagined their makeshift home coming apart.

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And so, cen ran the rest of the way to the secret base. he always found it amusing that their home was marked with red lettering on the doors calling it "secret base," but then, who was going to find it?

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Howling for the Moon

A small cave is visible near a pond, the entrance marking this place as the secret base of a trainer.

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Shau'i - Chapter 9 – Hope

"well, i know quite a bit about that prototype jet and i might be able to find the location of the secret base," she stared at him. "i would even let them make a few tests on me, as long as i have a choice ... and you are with me."

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"some random trainer's secret base" "holy shit, i've been robbed!!!! "the trainer said looking slack jawed before the trainer comically fell backwards with a loud thud fainting.

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After the interlude, the steamcradle is transported to the homunculous' "secret base." this is inside the city, in an abandoned building. the unseelie fey follow them here, and start to attack from the backdoor.


Everything Or Nothing Chapter 12-Throwing phones out from the window at 5 in the morning

"well we sent a dubel agent to a secret base in brazil six months ago, remember? "yeah i remember, what of it?" he said in a drawled , bored tone.

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 20

In the secret base of the power fur rangers they gathered as soon as they were able to get away from their families. skyler was dressed in his pjs and he yawned as he showed his canine teeth briefly.

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 19

In the power fur rangers secret base. clank finished scanning tom as examined the result of the scan. "no, no, no, no you power level is down to 92%. that last battle drained you quite a bit."

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 24

"if you come with us to the secret base and you see that zolton is there then will you believe us? that we're the power fur rangers? after all no one without a power ring can enter the power fur ranger secret base." the blue power fur ranger said.

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Project Godlike: Traitorous bloodline?

."** **"follow me, you will be doing so at a top secret base on the other side of the planet."** **"so the other side of the planet isn't uninhabitable as the rest of the ucsc is lead to believe."** **"no far from it, while it is uninhabitable in the normal

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