The Fate of 'Welcome to Kalos'
So, I am only doing this to bring it to people's attention. Obviously it has been quite some time since I added anything to 'Welcome to Kalos', and I imagine most of you were assuming I weren't going to be doing any more of it. Well, you are right....
The End: Chapter 11: Aftermath.
#11 of the end and finally 11. 12 coming soon after humphrey stormed off that night, i remember feeling this irrepressible sense of rage toward him.
The End: Chapter 10: Happily Ever After?
I missed kate or myself being able to go out alone and not have to constantly worry and wonder about which of us wouldn't return at the end of the day.
The End: Chapter 9: The Honeymooners
I guess the end of that sentence would depend upon who was saying it. humphrey always meant well, and he would try his best to satisfy my every need, but he just... wasn't very good at it.
The End
- the end - \* cause i love to write endings, i start at the end. falling into fantasy. why all the content if there are those two words at the end? falling into fantasy.
the end :d
Day X: Heartless (End of Jake Right's Story)
Writing this story was alot of fun and I enjoyed making this chapter of Day X! I also had a charcter plug in for I Are Soldier Fox. He is David, a military guard for the bridge. I really had a fun time making this one! Enjoy! Vote, and comment so I can...
Epilogue (The End)
#15 of eric's schooldays _and in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make._ hey everyone.
M Incineroar x M Feraligatr
"ooooooh looks like we will finally see the end of tiger claw's win streak and put him in his rightful place as a little bitch" pangoro said with more excitement than he usually had.
The Harpy's Sire [Patron Reward]
**The Harpy's Sire** **By Limewah Patron reward for Flarfenarfle (September 2023) 18+** The forest was deathly, almost unnervingly quiet at this time of the night - except, of course, for the distant hum of music and carousal coming...
the war he calls it
_journal entry 210:_ _ my grandfather would be proud of me. I protected all i could of my family and made it to safety. I owe him my life his stories he told and told again helped me survive. To think long after he is dead he is still teaching me...
Pack Mentaility Chapter 15
It's been 6 months since Jezeca and Silverback became mates and some final rifts in the pack seemed to have healed with Jezeca's group sleeping with the rest. Today however Jezeca, Silverback, and Nadia wake up in her old room on the bed. The reason...