Vassalized Earth: Anxiety
I was worried for a moment that the party had noticed my anxiety, but i quickly found that a new visitor had occupied their attention.
Just Living: Panic 1
A swirl of shadow brought Frey shivering as he realized he was alone in an ocean of stark nothingness. Black surrounded him no matter where he looked, and what he noticed even more than the bleak darkness, was the fact that he was entirely and utterly...
Poem: Just Now
This moment is precious. This moment is peace. This moment is hope, and kindness, and light. This moment is sadness. This moment is despair and darkness, yet life. This moment is kindness. This moment is the march of love amongst the...
Breaking Through
And on this day, she 'gan to move. And on this day, earth trembled. For on this day, both earth and sky, And stars, themselves, remembered. For music spoke, And music sang, And music doth remembered, That secret song, That secret heart, That...
Victernus - Chapter 16
Namara trod on the sidewalk of the street to the left, opposite from Athius. The dark, sterile metal felt cold under his paws. Because he couldn't feel any wind, his tail felt very out of place - even though he was moving. In order to keep...
Just Living Chapter 4
On one paw, he could start the road to recovery from his crippling anxiety and depression, on the other paw he could find himself in a world of new concerns and anxiety simply because he had picked the wrong therapist, it would also mean he would have to admit
Tails of a Cloud Skunk Ch 2: Career Trajectories
Not the best thing for a skunk with anxiety and occasional issues controlling his magic. thankfully, no incidents like chiller's had happened at cloudsec. yet.
Just Living Chapter 3
Frey would have days where waking up simply meant his body and mind would try it's hardest to keep him down and beneath those sheets, an overwhelming miasma of depression or anxiety keeping him from moving at all, and other times he'd be absolutely fine.
All around me Are these faces Reminding me of places in my memory Places that I wish to be To be free from these shackles I put on myself Tellin' myself I'm doin' it for me While I just sit there, left to die and to atrophy Walkin' around like a...
"I am Not Afraid"
#2 of poetry, both old and new something i wrote to help with the anxiety of my first live poetry reading. i even went ahead and read it first.
Through the Ups and Downs of Aspen Husky's Life
#1 of my life this is a simple story on how my life went finding out i was gay, getting through my stress depression and anxiety, and the relationships i have been in that led me to the best relationship i have every had and still in.
Owning My Humanity -- Anxiety
I am in a considerable deal of ongoing pain--and while that's not a particularly engaging way to solicit an audience--pain being what it is--I feel it important to qualify my position. My pain is that of concentration, and of feeling it constantly...