Handsome: Chapter II

2 Weeks Later... Aiden continued his daily chore of attending his work position at a local electronics store. Here, he learned everything dealing with modern technology and how to access the Internet at his will. He traded his dark brown leather...


A Bond Unbroken ~ Chapter 9

Vox was **_not_** a happy dragon, _not happy at all!_ Why did she have to go save that stupid stallion, couldn't she have just left him there on the road where she had found him. His little foot kicked a small pebble that flew over the yard. Surely...

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A Bond Unbroken ~ Chapter 8

Nisha's eyes widened at his brazen statement, but then she wasn't used to being around males at all and maybe this was what they were like. Being his healer first and foremost she initially got worried that the swelling had gotten worse, that was...

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A Bond Unbroken ~ Chapter 7

Conner sighed as he laid back and let her work her magic. His eyes never leaving her as he watched her go about her work. There was no question she was the best healer he had ever dealt with. Even though she seemed a bit distracted by what hung between...

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A Bond Unbroken ~ Chapter 6

She heard what he said as she put the bucket down, her heart skipped a beat and her cheeks got flustered, luckily he saw none of that as she already had her back to him at this point. "Oh i was hardly gone long enough for you to miss me, besides Vox...

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A Bond Unbroken ~ Chapter 5

Connor was still asleep as she walked through the door, seeing as it was a warm day she again she left the door open. She walked over and carefully put her paw on his forehead and nickered with a content smile, seems the fever had let go and Connor was...

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A Bond Unbroken ~ Chapter 4

Nisha couldn't find her voice, he was awake! Certain parts more awake then others, clearly his injured state had not hindered him from acting like a male. Nisha just stood there ogling him up and down. As he saw her looks he squirmed slightly, she on...

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A Bond Unbroken ~ Chapter 3

Nisha stretched as she started to wake up, she felt strangely fresh even though she wasn't fully awake. As she stretched her legs she felt a slight pressure between them, something was lodged between her legs, rubbing against her private area. As she...

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A Bond Unbroken ~ Chapter 2

Nisha starred down on him in disbelief, he had woken up only to drift back into unconsciousness. Biting her lip as she fought with her self to decide what to do, clearly she couldn't just leave him there, or could she? No of course she couldn't, there...

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A Bond Unbroken ~ Chapter 1

With a soft squeaking of the hinges the front door closed, Nisha stopped for a moment taking in the early morning sounds. The birds were starting their morning serenade, a doe was idly grazing right at the tree line at the far end of her little...

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A Bond Unbroken

Here he stood. Conner the Great. Warrior, Clan Leader, Husband, and Failure. As he stood there on his shiny black hoofs, wearing his tartan as the wind ruffled through his white fur, it was the last title that stuck in his mind. He was a failure....

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A Bond Unbroken ~ Chapter 10

The young stallion strode down the halls with purpose, a scroll sealed by wax in one paw. The stiff leather with the Garret Clans crest pressed into the chest creaking in time with each echoing clop of hoof on polished stone. Every movement was sure...

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