Black-Winged Angels Chapter 3: Journey to the South

"avila, how many dragons can you see attacking the town?" avila looked at xiciro, unsure on what he was thinking.

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The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Chapter 2

Coraero then sat beside avila, while his tail was put behind and over avila's own tail.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 11: Battle of Nia Baleth

avila saw this and said, "what the hell are you doing?!" "do not stop me, avila!"

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 2: Chance

Xiciro approached her and said, "you're avila's friend, right? that was a spectacle back there." "thank you, but...avila?" xiciro turned towards avila and he saw her using her powerful darkness to get into the red dragon's mind.

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Dragon's Pride 5

The corrupted soul of his now fused with death power like avila's making him virtually a death dragon, although didn't get what side effect avila had. avila also sensed it, and she found out the dragon was inside a still-intact dragon house.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 17: Subterfuge

Mitra was to be the leader, while avila went on first and do her job before everyone else. mitra and the rest of the squad agreed on avila's strategy, though they knew it posed a very great risk in avila's part.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 4: Behind Enemy Lines

Xiciro then beckoned avila towards him and said, "avila, would you be so dear and use emero carought?" "why don't you use your goddamn portal?" said avila, exasperated.

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The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Chapter 15

While avila obliged by releasing her front leg's grip, she had readied herself when cynder lost balance, in which she did. she fell to avila's side.

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Final Chapter: Goodbye, Dear Friend

avila woke up to a fine morning, overlooking the sunrise from her cave. she reached out to seraphor. the silver red dragon was still sleeping, something avila had accustomed to.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 1: Avila

Every time he saw avila, he saw his wife, also called avila, in her, and his guilt. his pursue of knowledge changed avila into a hybrid dragon with four darkness abilities, something that he realized was a curse.

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chapter 10: The Unlikely Ally

"i thought we are past that, avila. tell me, where is seraphor." avila then exhaled.

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