The Draconian Story: Chapter 4
With the dark green draconian.
Anthropology II: Field Research
Sam felt a hot wave of lust wash over him, as the draconian's musk hit him.
Shanna knew ked would be someday, more than a draconian king.....a god.
Memoirs of Dragora Ch. 20
I was curious and so i rolled it in your puddle..." the smaller draconian explained, breathing heavily.
Black-Winged Angels Chapter 7: Crisis of Priority
He noticed richard and waved his hand, to which the golden-scaled draconian noticed. he sat beside the green-scaled draconian and ordered a drink.
Memoirs of Dragora Ch. 17
Vibarsi opened up his mouth once more in the draconian, expanding his walls and seeing the draconian clench his fists in order to not roar.
The Draconian Story: Chapter 1
This is...the story of a draconian.
Meet the Black Stars; Garok's Story
Garok said with a hint of trust knowing that anyone who could do so much damage to the draconians was good in his book "_we can explain once we get there, but we need to move before draconian reinforcements arrive"_ the orange stripped alien spoke
The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 1
What's even worse for them, was the fact that the warrior was also a dragon, called draconian by many aliens.
Chapter 6: Finding Peace with the past
Ryin, and a reluctant artia, became vedrits draconian contacts. he learned quickly the culture of draconian and how tradition dictated they treat outsiders or weaker beings.
The Blood Mile
So here i am, a butt naked fox tailed relton about to be fed to a cheering mob of blood thirsty draconians...shit.
The Draconian Story: Chapter 10
But before he could use his fire to wake the draconian up in distress, he was stopped by a sudden jerk upward by a force given by a big draconian, holding him on one hand.