Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 3-Improving The Situation
He slowly slouched over a hump in the road, giving me the same thousand yard stare that the big ghoul at the tower had. i slowly raised my rifle, placing the dot on the ghoul's forehead and pulled the trigger.
Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 3.2 Bannihar
Shifting their way through the mass of corpses, two ghouls stalked them as well. "no..."
A Flame in your heart:: Ch. 3 Taming her ghoul
"a ghoul? she's with a ghoul...." they whispered as she slide in and out of consciousness. " a ghoul? you think he's one of gob's?'t be this far out...what if they are in elle's troop?...what if she's with odd..."
Chapter 4
"i'm a ghoul, you ugly heifer! i was a man once, before malthamus came into his power. decided he needed an army of undead to fulfill his every whim. but now i'm a cursed ghoul. you've heard of malthamus at least, haven't you?"
Brothers in arms
Amal pinpointed unusually faster ghouls and took them down with precision while yan swept his spear to take as many slow-paced ghouls grouped as he could in one attack.
Tales of Filth and Corruption
I need to make more ghouls. the ghouls will reign over the night and no human shall be left unturned!
Ich stecke im zwiespalt aber als ich die frau weiter weinen und schreien höre schalten sich meine zweifel aus und ich stürze mich auf die 3 ghoule und es dauert nicht eine sekunde als alle 3 in fetzen auf dem boden liegen.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 03
ghoul grabbed slashed arm and attempted to pull him but slash weighed too much as the giant pig did not bulge. "come on, slash!" ghoul pleaded and it snapped slash out of his stupor and they both ran off.
In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 13 (MHO)
A few of the hideous monsters fighting the ghouls paused to stare them down, making them nervous. fortunately, the other actual ghouls were still keeping them occupied, so they ended up ignoring them.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 16
ghoul whined as he slid out of slash's hooves because of the shaving cream covering him. ghoul ran towards the showers with slash close behind.
Story Inspired By Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls Skyrim: "A Khajiit in the Capital Wasteland"
Jake also copied the way his uncle spoke, aside from making the occasional vulgar joke, to add character to his ghoul role play. andy chuckled and said, "yah i have heard some of you ghouls are very old!"
Irmãos de armas (PT-BR)
Amal identificava e abatia ghouls excessivamente rápidos com precisão, enquanto que yan usava grandes golpes circulares para cortar o maior número de ghouls lentos que ele podia em um golpe.