Damn Aphrodisiacs
And then, as there orgasms subsided an idea popped into miyu's head.
Chapter 13: Star Fox Commanding
miyu? will you do the honors?" miyu said, "lower your shields and prepare for surgery." bill lowered his shields.
Clear Heavens: A Robotech Star Fox Crossover
"i love you miyu." fay said hugging miyu as the water stopped. "and i love you more." miyu smiled before nipping fay playfully on her nose.
Corruption In Space
miyu had an almost insulted look on her face while wolf just looked baffled.
Kazufox Interview #3
\*: my name is miyu lynx. \*kazufox\*: miyu, huh? thats a pretty name. \*miyu\*: its the last youll ever hear. (pulls out gun) \*kazufox\*: why? what did i do? \*miyu\*: nothing personal, but fox asked me to do this.
What Once Was, Part II
miyu watched him go. "great miyu, you blew it! you just couldn't let things play out, you had to go and mess it up." she scolded herself with a sigh.
Lovin' A Feline Chapter 6
He looked to his girl miyu with love. "but i think it's because of my miyu here and wolf's girl helping us get on the right path. it's going to be a long road, but we'll get there in the end.
Recompense of the Fallen
The shock and pain throwing miyu over the edge, screaming as she rode her orgasm out. miyu's climax set arkham off, roaring in triumph as he filled miyu's ass with long ropes of his thick, fertile seed.
Visiting an old Friend
miyu!" the amphibian cried out. the two figures looked over towards slippy and falco.
Chapter XIII
miyu groaned, tail lashing in annoyance. "things like this take time." fay sagely refuted. she was comparing a blue and red dress. miyu sighed in defeat and collapsed on the waiting bench. she glanced to its other occupant.
First Steps
miyu shook her muzzle ruefully. "huh, never thought i would be in a pack." "i can promise you i did not think that either." krystal added with a smirk. "but, i think that he is worth it." miyu granted the vixen that.
Stranded Couples
"miyu will be pleased." "hmph, you're really taken with her, aren't you?" "they don't call it love for nothing. honestly miyu is a much better match than i thought at first.