So I Heard...
Running a finger gently along the cleft of the slim mudkip's rump to start stripping his underwear with his shorts, he was soon greeted by the pink and purple hints around the mudkip's aroused slit.
Sweet Treat
Still the machine churned on, blasting the mudkip - or the living blob formerly known as a mudkip - full of the oran-flavored sherbet. "ugh... so much... so... full..."
Dimensional Balance Chapter 3: The start of a quest.
"mudkip...mudkip. how about marsh? no, scratch that. when you evolve, that will just sound stupid. hmm, water and ground types....maybe breaker?" the mudkip shook its head. "_no, i wanna human name_!"
Tagging Along
The mudkip then squinted under the city limelight as she pointed the spray can to a brick wall.
Just a Game? - Chapter 4
"mudkip, use hydro pump," i said, a little nervous, not sure if mudkip knew that attack or not.
Pokémon Schnapps/Tequila/Daiquiri Chapter 3
"innocent mudkip will suffer. don't you like mudkip?" "i don't and i don't care," replied commander houston, pulling a pokéball from his belt and readying it.
A warm memory on a cold night
Giggled the fire buizel as he ran up the trail, almost pulling the mudkip off the ground. the mudkip laughed as he his warm furry buizel friend pulled him along, not minding it at all. "what's your hurry, buizel butt?
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Petalburg City
"come out mudkip!" mudkip appeared glancing around at its surroundings curiously before realising he was battling a taillow and became focused on what he needed to do. "mudkip water gun!"
Dimensional Balance Chapter 4: An Ominous Wind
_ shawn sighed slightly, he had despaired on getting the mudkip to call him simply by his name.
A Pokemon\'s Reminiscence
"mudkip, is that you?" i doubted to whose voice it was until i turned. "mudkip! i missed you so much!" he screamed as swampert ripped the cage open. my trainer picked me up and wept as he held me close to his body.
Back away from the situation
The jackalope scurries out from underneath you as does the mudkip. then the mudkip shoots a jet of water at you with a growl and you are instantly drenched.
Approach the sleeping jackalope and pokemon
The jackalope continues sleeping so it squirms away and over onto the top to nuzzle the mudkip. the mudkip stirs awake and moves its head to look at you with the same curious expression.