Kings Road of Dragons
rev was quick to clap, 'only the royal shit that comes out of peoples mouths!' both filled the stable with laughter at rev's quick wit! rev shook his head after his fit of laughter, "king aven is dead.
Loonatics Uncut, S1E1 - Repairations
rev guessed, extending a hand in greeting. "guilty," the older man chuckled, shaking rev's hand. "and you must be rev runner?" "guilty," the road runner echoed. "well,gottago,seeyouguysaround!"
Loonatics Unleashed: The Perfect Specimen Part I: Duck
Inside the fortress of the superhero team known as the Loonatics, Tech walks down the corridor, thinking to himself. "My new invention should work this time. The last misconception really made it difficult to find the problem. But I think I got it..."...
Grease monkey Chapters 1-3
rev said and then zipped off toward the kitchen. rev opened the common room doors, finding duck contentedly mashing buttons on his controller, playing his copy of mummy ninja moon raiders five.
Skye's Legacy / Chapter 2
"rev.. what did we say about flying over the camp wall? you could have killed one of us!" i notice rev's ears droop, and tail completely drop in the seat. rev starts talking sheepishly.
The secret suggestion
rev didn't even seem to notice he'd been under this time.
Greasemonkey ch.4-ch6
rev held him down and hugged with all his might.
New Moon
rev let his eyes pulsate slightly.
Old Van Rorie's Book of Practical Cats
rev implored excitedly. "i don't know she's such a skank". b.t. replied coolly. "luke zapson" rev stated revealing the mystery.
Skye's Legacy / Chapter 3
Dusting myself off from the sound, i join rev as we walk over the scrap.
Loonatics Unleashed: Beach Vacation Fun
rev came soon immediately after; shooting jets of his seed inside of the devil. the two of them were breathing hard as they were catching their breath; especially rev.
I extended my arm outward, and caught rev's hand. her hand was feeling a bit furry though, and i looked over to see i was starring at not rev, but a stronger retriever form of rev. she had beautiful golden fur, and it felt so soft on my skin. "got you."