Starting from Scratch
**"starting from scratch"** by k.m. hirosaki ([[email protected]](%5c)) author's notes: this story and all characters are copyright © 2008 k.m.
Tyger Scratch Fever
Tyger scratch fever a batman: the animated series fanfiction by gideon kalve jarvis commissioned by jadestyx author's note: all non-original characters are © warner brothers.
Scratches, Bruises and Kisses
Her claws scratched me inside and i whimpered. oh god why couldn't she trim her claws once in a while. she nibbled on my nipples, stroking and circling them with her rough tongue.
Cerulean scratch story
Her fears were confirmed at the sight of a small scratch, a few drops of blood beading on the surface before trickling down. it wasn't too bad of a scratch, but for cerulean, this was life or death.
A Deep Itch to Scratch
It got him to sigh in bliss, like an itch that formed deep inside of him that he had no chance of reaching was finally getting scratched. now he was starting to feel more like his old self.
Chapter Four, Memories Fond and Fearful
"whoah, i really got to stop doing that." she said while backing away from her bed and the now constant scratching noise. she kept backing up till she hit her nearby sofa.
Different Circles
Immediately, the pony began to rock the discs back and forth, creating the scratching sound again.
Tatsuo's Adventure: White pt6
White stop scratching.." -he said softly near the boys ear- white bit harder before freezing all together as he came to his senses.
Vijaya's Journey 3
"no..." he growls, his hands moving up, claws scratching down along her scales. her eyelids quiver a moment from that before she grabs him by the wrist. " she rolls her shoulders, lifting herself up a bit.
Moonlight Sonata: Chapter 2, Dinner and Champagne
With a quill, the waiter scratched down the order on his small notepad. "and for you, ma'am?" he turned to octavia.
Character backstories 1: Ivy's abuse.
He even scratched me across the eye and i felt stinking pain as he scratched the face. there was no way i was going to go down to this monster. then as he was done, he started yelling at me, telling me how ugly, useless and weak i was.
Moonlight Sonata: Chapter 3, Positive Reinforcement
Vinyl fumbled her way back into the suite, leaving the bottle behind. The place was empty. How long had she been out? The clock answered, chiming in on cue to announce eleven o'clock. Each tiny _ding_ shot through the white unicorn's ears like wasps:...