Trubbish Bonding

Trubbish Bonding Today, me and my pokemon, Trubbish were doing our job which was trash collecting. We were good at our jobs, recycling, reusing, and repurposing things, Half the money we earned was in resale of abandoned but repairable items, and...

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Network Lore - Elshaan Species

All of their lifestyle and activities depend on a symbiosis with numerous creatures from utilities like araks, lighting with simple pressure, to buildings like eroks, strange organisms being able to change their shapes and body textures.

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Cybertroopers share a symbiosis with this race of synthetic intelligences, since some members of it tend to develop an emotional attachment to their hosts.

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Darnlake Botany Symbiosis

There is no experience like being inside a pod that Venus had custom grown for your specific being. The sap inside tastes unique, as if it was squeezed from a distant fruit you can vaguely remember in your childhood. Being inside Dr. Tuber's pod was...

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Symbiosis Chapter 5

#5 of symbiosis am i even human anymore? by felsune the need to just let violence consume her was too much to bear within the small frame of her body.

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Some tribes, 12 in number, have retreated into the forest and live in harmony with the forest and have entered into an amazing symbiosis with the trees and the insects.

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[Commission] Pokemon: The Erotic Leagues

Professor harkness expanded on that idea, believing there to be a sexual aspect to that symbiosis." both tobin and rina seemed uncomfortable at the utterance of those last words, but were indeed very curious.

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The Golden Scarab: Rouge the Bat Chapter 2

"the scarab has begun its symbiosis upon you, and this is the result? very fascinating, indeed!" "h... hey! if you can hear me, how do i get rid of-" the scarab injected my chest once more.

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Isotex: The Wave of the Future

Through controlled bioelectric shock and symbiosis with the host's cns, isotex slowly brings the subject to a state of near-orgasm until they have reached the plant's required amount of movement.

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A Hard Cock Life

There was no way that cock would fit, but using their ability of symbiosis and melding, he could be fused with it. the leviathan pushed dom down his cock.

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Blackclaw: Shark Attack

Blackclaw made his way deeper underneath the city. The massive bear had to duck underneath ductwork. The silver pipes carried water up into the city above and away from their various sources. The gentle ambience of a quiet city night gave way to the...

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