Orwell Tech co
A journalist bear gets into trouble because he wanted for a more exciting job orwell tech co.
The size drain tech
Soon, he would be taking the tech, delivering the bull anonymously to the police and go on his merry way.
The Beginning: Part 1
**.....................................................................................................................** **This section is meant for character description, if you do not wish to read this or are uninterested by the basic details of...
Loonatics Unleashed: The Perfect Specimen Part II: Ace Bunny
" ace was practicing new techniques with his sword and didn't hear tech come in, he flipped through the air before tech caught him "ah? oh, hiya tech. what're you doin' here?" tech blushed as he always thought that ace was the hottest of the boys.
Zero's the Unsung Hero - Part One - Intro - Seemingly Harmless IT Technicians and a War on Red Team
**Disclaimer: Not sure why it's here really, I guess just to say that this is a parallel story to "Rooftops" by cha0s, from my fursona's point of view, and the stories will intersect, and some will be different at alot of points. Of course, we do...
Revali's little mistake
Door, building, and parts of the tunnel bore the distinct mark of tech from the ancient sheikah tribe.
Loonatics Unleashed: The Perfect Specimen Part I: Duck
With that, duck slipped his cock inside tech's hole slowly as tech yipped and groaned as it slid in deeper.
Archie and Lu
Archie & Lu - 2009-0808.2309 I know what you're thinking. What's a guy doing breaking into a rich fur's guest cottage, wiggling the window screen to get in? Tell you the truth, it's because I just got here a week ago, I'm still new at this, and...
Future Sanctuary - Chapter 11: Arrivals and Departures
The tech at the console taps frantically at her controls, "we can sir, but that will take the entire system offline while we find the issue. it will hamper the search efforts while the teams are still sweeping for the unknown perpetrators."
A Test Gone Wrong
**A Test Gone Wrong** **By Limewah Patron Reward for Flarfenarfle (June 2023)** **18+** I ran my fingers slowly and gingerly over the helmet, staring back at my beautiful face in the opaque visor. Man, I was the prettiest Arcanine who...
Beginnings (WIP)
Like with the other pyrimades that have been unearthd by similar events, it has many old tech safe guards.
Star Hunter Gunndis Ch 3
Star Hunter Gunndis Chapter 3, Book 1 (end of book) Gunndis sits in the common room reading a data pad as she munches on a steak. As Dippley comes in with his own plate and sits to eat she gives him a brief grin, "You were right, you can cook." She...