Light of the Heart V2 Prologue

I definitely doubt my lone existence is meaningful in the mechanisms of all this." the boy questioned.

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Just know this, every soul that exists, exists as itself somewhere. and where it exists is where it lives. all souls are individual, and all individuals have a soul. yes?" he gestured with an arm at himself and rick.

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Death from the Shadows - Chapter 1

Ma'am, that person doesn't even exist, it's all just a bunch of shit that the papers print to explain murders that the cops are too stupid to investigate.""no disrespect meant, but i found out that he does exist, and he frequents this particular bar."'

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Ends and Beginnings: part two

On forever each seat taken by trillions of life forms all of them once existed in kitt and alec's plane of existence.

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The Dark Secret of the Great War. (Chapter 1 'At the start' Pg1)

This was also one of 5 relics, the necklaces, the staff, the crown, the ankh and the bracelet. all of these artifacts were rumored to give the power of a god to whoever holds them, of course such things just couldn't possibly exist, however

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My Quotes. 1. My greatest!

People who try being perfect will clean that glass so much until they can no longer see it and claim it never existed. but bright people can see light reflect from that glass and know it exists.

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Jared and Gnat - Part Three - Introspection

The tatted curtains hid their miserable existence from sight, thankfully. gnat began to stir. he had been lying awake whilst the weasel threw his fit which occurred almost nightly now. sure, it disturbed him, but what could he do?

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Clans of the Masquerade: Prt 2

In fact, the clan actually performed a world wide ritual that obliterated all renegades on the planet, so now only loyal tremere exist!


The God Dragon

But as he observed the result of his endeavor, he felt it to have no meaning if no other existed to observe it with him.

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The Human Species Ch.95 - Will: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubts

Did darkrai even exist? was zerobi a real person, or just an imaginary friend? "ahh! what do you think you're doing with my liver!?" a voice sounded in lucario's ears.

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The Human Species - BAD END: 'Rebirth'

After several months of unceasing growing, the empty shell of celebi exhaled its last breath and ceased to exist, lying on a bed of flowers.


Part 6 - Fighting Education Starts

A trueblade is rare, as i said before, they barely exist. you ... have a big chance of mastering all single handed weapons with practice." silver explained. "in other words, you'll be the greatest swordsmaster that ever existed if you practice hard!