The Sorrows of the Church

Not long after inheriting the smithy he was imprisoned for outrageous grounds such as accusations of heresy and other crimes that seem unlikely to be linked to him, one thing was certain though, he was being extorted and blackmailed and these so called shepherds

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Anubis' Nightly Pleasures (Out Of Character Human Form)

Feeling imprisoned by the denim confines, i slowly slid my jeans from my person, moaning lightly at the slight friction of the material against my member, i part my lidded eyes slightly, almost seeing your figure in front of me, urging me to touch the one

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Calling All Furs

After the borders were placed a new organization started getting its infamous name around so much that even saying you were a part of it could get you imprisoned in one of winters jails till death.

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To Court the Fèidh - Prequel - Order of the Hart -

imprisonment for an indefinite time is their accepted fate, where said 'beast' is tortured and starved until their will breaks and they divulge their information such as their numbers, location and any other pertinent details before they are led into the main

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[Character Profile] Genbu-ou

He has kept careful watch and vigilance over koukuen's imprisonment, as his actions taken against the mortals caused both the fall of a human empire, and the death of suzaku.

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Centum Mortes - 1

Those of keener eyes could spy the writhing and screaming figure imprisoned within the inferno. nigh mummified by obsidian chains; this immaculate creature was of impossible, argent beauty.

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[SNEAK PEEK]Footrest by the Fire

Just allow yourself to disrobe, free yourself from those imprisoning fabrics... good, dear sweet little thing... as her stream of lullabye words continued, he grew visibly more relaxed, melting into himself. his eyes were fluttering just a little.

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Clown Mare 5-2

If i ran away now i could be killed yet alone imprisoned here for a long time. i knew this mare when i was little though. didn't know she liked mares. no matter how hard i tried to get a stallion pegasus back at cloudsdale.

The Cell (Thursday Prompt/Warmup)

He had withered away in that rotting cell for so long that the redundancy had nearly forced the purpose of his imprisonment from his mind.

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Surunmurhaaja tale of the wanderer chapter 1

Samael yelped unable to shake off memories caused by familiar feeling of cold firm imprisonment.

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A Change of Heart

Even if he didn't krayden would be satisfied that he had been able to save those girls from the monster that had imprisoned them and raped them every night. strengthening his resolve, krayden continued down the tunnel.

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The Dragon and The Steed Part 8 - The Final Chapter

Fray pleaded, he did not want to stay imprisoned with the greedy dragon a minute longer, but he had no choice and jared did not need to needlessly remain imprisoned with him.

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