A new beginning PT 1
jay decided to chance it and slowly began to get undressed.
jay didn't notice he'd nearly doubled in size.
Evolution Complete
Tuff Ch. 5
"hey alex, i think jay really, really wants your attention." joey slid the window up and jay's paw flung in. the fox could be heard muttering curses as he pulled himself through the window.
Finn Thinks Really Really Hard About Wriitng
Personally, jay wasn't having it. "so, why the long face? you guys aren't fighting, are you?" "huh? what, no. it's nothing like that." "then what?" jay was insistent, but not harsh.
Merge - 08 - Stories
jay said, laughing as matt nuzzled his shoulder.
DDD Day 5 Jay's Desperate Ballbusting
jay stuttered out, nervous, not daring to move.
RSH- Deception
jay whispered before a light touch jarred him out of his sleep. "jay! wake up!" ade shouted, startling both jay and meryl out of their mutual sleep. she was panting hard, barely able to speak.
Students and Pimps Oh My! 2/2
jay seemed to be walking funny as the vixen and skunk helped him to the bathroom where they intended to shower together and have yet more fun.
Godson chapter 5
"no, i would be safer and you need to clean up a little there jay." "oh are we still calling me that cos i like it!" winked jamie "if you want...jay." will shook his head and turned to the door. jay began pretending to head for the shower.
Merge - 20 - Flirt
Chris stood up and bellowed, "jay!"
Merge - 19 - Distance
This is jay richardson. you said to call if we could help each other?"