Snake Lords of the Desert 32
There were kill-commands in there, triggers that would protect the intelligence that the monitor lizard handled for the emperor, and those protections were still strong.
Shadow of the Maw, Part 2
The monitor lizard nodded to the tiger who began to carve up the meat as orders came in from around the table.
What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book II: Chapter 16
And yet there he was, lying in the soil, scowling as a hefty monitor lizard snored on top of his body. the monitor lizard squashed between earth and scales snarled as he jerked himself upwards, knocking the other lizard off.
What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 2
And from here on out, we're gonna be on the lookout for any presence of monitor lizards." "but?" asked stanno, already knowing the badger lord wasn't finished.
Collie's Conflict
But the chubby, always upbeat and openly feminine monitor lizard was always happy to take the extra work, and money, cross training was lucrative after all.
What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 15
As the monitor lizard got up from the tree stump he was sitting on, he walked over to the burly bluish-gray monitor lizard who was standing beside a naked rat with a rope tied around his neck. "havin' fun, rowgat?"
Lady of the Sea: One More Passenger
The lady, in her bluntest fashion, hugged the monitor lizard and said, "geoff is my slave. i purchased him yesterday at the prison auction. we should have been gone this morning, then i saw how rufio was treating you.
Costume Change
The old monitor lizard reached out and grasped the rat's gray furred left forearm, bringing the rodent's pacing to a stop.
The Aces of Lylat, Chapter 6: Walker
Slippy and blazer quickly went in the opposite directions, with the frog going left and the monitor lizard going right.
During the course of the afternoon shy was changed, from a monitor lizard he was shrunk and twisted into the form of a hare, small and fast with sandy fur!
Tanked 2: Terran Town
Sarge had heard about terran, but until recently, he hadn't known terran to be one of his own old war buddies, a jovial, fun-loving monitor lizard with a tail like a whip and a terrible sense of humor.
A Nice Catch
And the way tarak was looking at him, he had the feeling that the monitor lizard was going to take full advantage of that latitude.