Transformers: Crossover Prologue

"if i am to die here, then so be it, but my autobots, even without a leader, will never give up". "your death will be slow and painful, megatrons orders". "then so be it".

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dragon poem

give up your own heart song so lift your wings, hold on tight don't forget, there's still moonlight and when all seams lost and the day isn't near your heart will say where to go from here you must believe that eventually here comes day and you know

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Bonds of Love (2)

I know very well that this wasn't going to be the last i hear about this he never gives up when he is determined.

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Mewthree's Christmas Carol - Food

give up on improving your situation," "for to overcome difficulties and strife," "that is the true essence of life!"

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Days of Ruin

Even under an invasion, never give up. twenty-six years ago, a dawn of a new era. at least, that's what it was supposed to be. in truth, everything went straight to hell that fateful day.


At The Darkest

"i will never give up who helped me!" i slurred. _what was wrong with my words? why could i not speak correctly? was it because i could feel my the life leaving me? no,i was stronger than that._ he gave a chuckle. "the hard way it is rose."

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The Academy - The Final Chalenge

never give up and especially never give up on your squad. they look up to you and you can't let them down. i miss you so much. i can't wait to see you again. the celestials will be in bloom again soon.

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On the Playlist #2

When his knife was torn away from him, he fought with tooth and claw, never giving up, till, at last, he alone remained, surrounded by the enemy. the feline's strength was waning from blood loss. he could barely stand, and his mind was clouded with pain.

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For you...

For you, my love i am anything you want me to be i am your humble servant to do what you want with i am your mate so you can cuddle up with at night i am your lover so you will never feel alone i am your second heart so you never give up hope i am...

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The Story Of True Love.

He is now taken, but she never gives up that wish of hers. on her birthday this year, her only wish is and i quote. "if i had a wish for my brithday it would be to have you as mines once more."

I can't cry narritive.

My family's motto 'never back down never give up keep pushing and fighting until your bones give up and break down'. my mother and father did their best to raise me well now it is my time to show that their efforts were not in vain.

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For Better or For Worse chapter 8

"i keep trying...because i'll never give up...until i know red is safe. he's..." i stagger and cough, panting heavily as i struggle to stay awake.

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