The Quest part 1

I was up all night working on homewok, same 'ol same 'ol so i passed out 'round 4am and had to be at school at 2pm on wednesday! i did not wake up until 11am.

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He Was Different

Being a raev i couldn't get out of all of them, of course, but jake and i spent a few fairly late nights working out how i might be able to squeeze in more maths and statistics at the expense of my further magical training, taking frequent breaks for tender

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Walking in the air

After a less than restful night, work was hell, and i did very little the whole day. i closed the shop at five, just the same as every other day, before making my preparations for my date.

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Fur Chem Labs Series (Story 1)

He has spent many days and tiring nights working on it and now it works. it was time he became flare, so much time dreaming about him, and many times describing him down to every little detail, to finally come true.

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A High Tail Hall Christmas Carol part 1

I don't think you'll want to stay in here all night working on that yourself, so you should go out and find someone else to have fun with. see you around!" she called out as she left the room, leaving will sitting on the bed with his pants still down.

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Tina's Story Chapter 42 Facing Death IV New Life

I'll watch tina and the babies" georgette lay down on the sofa, exhausted from the night's work. ray lay a blanket over her. after she fell asleep, ray checked on tina, then walked out on the patio. the night was bright, as if there were a full moon.

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Chapter 4: The Transformations

The wolf had a long night, working out to his heart's content and passing out in his giant bed afterwards. "ngh...five more minutes." he reached up to scratch his nose, but stopped when his paw was prevented from reaching his face. "what the hell?"

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Working Bears, Part 2 - The Customer is Always Right

It wasn't long before the clean and dry bears were returning to their lockers to get dressed for the nights work. copper was curious to see what his outfit was. he pulled out the items one by one and put them on.

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Night Hopper's Cave

Gently he rolled it up and placing it back in the exact place he got it hands firmly ran through head feathers, down around neck, over his chest humps thick from nightly work.

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The Forest

His ears pricked, standing to attention as he heard a distant call from one of his kin, the first to be ready to begin the night's work, the evening's play. "awoooooooooooooooooo!" he yelled to the dark heavens, head tilted skywards, back arched.

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Unknown Wonders Chapter 4

Closer to the two of them was an oak desk that held nothing more than a simple lamp for late night work and was otherwise void of anything of interest. drake was already sitting behind said desk, awaiting adeline and sasha's arrival.

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Camille and the sphinx

It wasn't the first time she'd offered her favors to escape from a job gone bad, and not even the first time she'd been fucked within an inch of her life as a result, but whatever the sphinx thought of it she decided the profits made from her night's work

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