What I Was Made For
He saw a sign saying silent hill, he had never heard of the place before, but he guessed that's where he was heading to.
All Things Quiet And Sweet 16 - Now Accept It
He laid underneath the bypass, standing guard at the very north of silent hill, before slowly disappearing within a thickening fog.
A new hero is needed
Light... sleeping gently like clouds, memories long past and fading, gone nearly but a dream in a vast cascade of darkness; no abyss will enter, he'll sleep with the angels. Floating there, stuck in one place, one time forever in such a slumber. Such...
Zal's Chronicles - Chapter 3: Where safety is?
#3 of silent hill once again zal woke; his head pounding and his ears ringing to the point of deafness.
Zal's Chronicles - Chapter 1: Captured
#1 of silent hill everything was pitch black around him, and zal was panting heavily as he was running blindly through the darkness, cold air was sucked into his lungs causing a sharp pain and tightness to build up in his chest, but at this moment he didn't
Zal's Chronicles - Chapter 2: Cruelty
Out in silent hill, there would be times of darkness, and then times of day but in this place, it was always dark and the creature was always working on something.
Darkness Rising Script
**_page 16:_** the shadows filter out into the city, as it seems to alter into a silent hill-ish otherworld, feel free to even use the "peel away" transition if you want.
Terrible Creature Short
This creature is based upon the "scarlet" from silent hill: homecoming, along with borrowing things from a few others.
Demons Behind Doors
It's like a mixture of silent hill and the town of echo. have fun reading! the strange and utterly paranormal history of goodbye, new mexico could fill a encyclopedia. at least, i considered it so.
Silent Hill - Chapter 4
#4 of silent hill "dude look..." draco slowly picked the picture up, holding it a few inches from the tip of his snout. "that looks just like my son..." he walked over to foxx and handed it to him, looking around the room once more.
Silent Hill - Chapter 3
#3 of silent hill "that would be a wise idea.."
Silent Hill - Chapter 2
#2 of silent hill "what?" draco said as he peered out across the gap in the road. "this...is just like what i read about on the net a while back...but i thought it was all fake..."