#24 of summer heat
oh no, there is trouble ahead. do you think that zen got a big problem now or will he find his way out? is he at the end of his luck? well, we will see next week.
Alligator, Ape, Bear, Beaver, Buffalo, Bunny, Cheetah, Coyote, Crane, Cub, Deer, Elephant, Family, Female, Giraffe, Goat, Horse, Impregnation, Lioness, Lynx, M/F, Male, Mare, Mouse, Oral, Otter, Pregnancy, School, Snow Leopard, Story Progression, Tigress, Vaginal, Vixen, Weasel, Wolf, Wolfess, Zebra
#23 of summer heat
someone seems to have found out about the school and now is sniffing around. what will zen do? is there an opportunity in the situation?
Alligator, Ape, Bear, Beaver, Buffalo, Bunny, Cheetah, Coyote, Crane, Cub, Deer, Elephant, Family, Female, Giraffe, Goat, Horse, Impregnation, Lioness, Lynx, M/F, Male, Mare, Mouse, Oral, Otter, Pregnancy, School, Snow Leopard, Story Progression, Tigress, Vaginal, Vixen, Weasel, Wolf, Wolfess, Zebra
#48 of summer heat
i managed to get this weeks chapter in time. the weekend was very exhausting for me. i visited my father in the hospital and all that we can do now is hope.
i hope you like this weeks chapter.
Alligator, Antelope, Ape, Bear, Beaver, Buffalo, Bunny, Camel, Cheetah, Coyote, Crane, Cub, Deer, Elephant, Family, Female, Giraffe, Goat, Horse, Knot, Lioness, Lynx, M/F, Male, Mare, Mouse, Oral, Otter, Pregnancy, School, Snow Leopard, Story Progression, Tigress, Vaginal, Vixen, Weasel, Wolf, Wolfess, Zebra
#3 of summer heat
here is the next chapter of my new story summer heat. for all who like this story i have good news.
Cub, Family, Female, First Time, Heat, Impregnation, Incest, Knot, Lioness, M/F, Male, School, Story Progression, Vaginal, Wolf, Wolfess, babysitting
With a hot breath, I lay between Ikram and Sumaya, and felt their bodies hold snug to mine, to leech the heat from my body as I sweated under the tropical air. I was hot - terribly hot - but I didn't move, because I felt too good.
Archaeopteryx, Dinosaur, Human, Love, M/M, M/M/M, Master/Pet, Masturbation, Rimjob, Romance, Shower, Summer-Heat, consentual, parasaur
#30 of summer heat
a bit late because of the maintenance but here is the next chapter. i am not sure how much time i will find next weekend but i will try to be in time with the next chapter.
Alligator, Ape, Bear, Beaver, Buffalo, Bunny, Cheetah, Coyote, Crane, Cub, Deer, Elephant, Family, Female, Giraffe, Goat, Horse, Impregnation, Knot, Lioness, Lynx, M/F, Male, Mare, Mouse, Oral, Otter, Pregnancy, School, Snow Leopard, Story Progression, Tigress, Vaginal, Vixen, Weasel, Wolf, Wolfess, Zebra
# summer heat - chapter 15: christmas eve
the life with the girls went nearly back to normal after the heat of nina except for the lynx girl totally having fallen for zen.
Beaver, Buffalo, Bunny, Cub, Deer, Elephant, Family, Female, Giraffe, Goat, Horse, Impregnation, Knot, Lioness, Lynx, M/F, Male, Mare, Oral, Pregnancy, School, Snow Leopard, Story Progression, Tigress, Vaginal, Vixen, Weasel, Wolf, Wolfess, Zebra
#14 of summer heat
i managed to get back from my vacation in time. :)
i was able to rest good during my vacation and now have to start working again.
i hope you like the chapter of this week.
Beaver, Buffalo, Bunny, Cub, Deer, Elephant, Family, Female, Giraffe, Goat, Horse, Impregnation, Knot, Lioness, Lynx, M/F, Male, Mare, Oral, Pregnancy, School, Snow Leopard, Story Progression, Tigress, Vaginal, Vixen, Weasel, Wolf, Wolfess, Zebra
#13 of summer heat
sorry that i am a bit late today.
for next week i might upload the story on monday instead of sunday because i am in vacation and will most likely not return until then.
Beaver, Buffalo, Bunny, Cub, Deer, Elephant, Family, Female, Giraffe, Goat, Horse, Impregnation, Knot, Lioness, Lynx, M/F, Male, Mare, Oral, Pregnancy, School, Snow Leopard, Story Progression, Tigress, Vaginal, Vixen, Weasel, Wolf, Wolfess, Zebra
#10 of summer heat
i apologize for the delay.
Beaver, Buffalo, Bunny, Cub, Deer, Elephant, Family, Female, Giraffe, Goat, Horse, Impregnation, Knot, Lioness, Lynx, M/F, Male, Mare, Oral, Pregnancy, School, Snow Leopard, Story Progression, Tigress, Vaginal, Vixen, Weasel, Wolf, Wolfess, Zebra
#43 of summer heat
sorry for the late release. i am still not completely in my rhythm after my vacation.
i hope you like the chapter anyway. i hope to get the next in time.
Alligator, Antelope, Ape, Bear, Beaver, Buffalo, Bunny, Camel, Cheetah, Coyote, Crane, Cub, Deer, Elephant, Family, Female, Giraffe, Goat, Horse, Knot, Lioness, Lynx, M/F, Male, Mare, Mouse, Oral, Otter, Pregnancy, School, Snow Leopard, Story Progression, Tigress, Vaginal, Vixen, Weasel, Wolf, Wolfess, Zebra
# summer heat - extra chapter: discovered lie
time: 1 years after chapter 52
background: zen has not established the additional schools yet and the ban on sexual topics still is active.
Alligator, Antelope, Ape, Bear, Beaver, Buffalo, Bunny, Camel, Cheetah, Coyote, Crane, Cub, Deer, Donkey, Elephant, Family, Female, Giraffe, Goat, Hare, Horse, Impregnation, Knot, Lioness, Lynx, M/F, Male, Mare, Mouse, Oral, Otter, Pregnancy, School, Snow Leopard, Story Progression, Tigress, Vaginal, Vixen, Weasel, Wolf, Wolfess, Zebra