Ember Tails, ch3 (pt.4)

Contains: teen pregnancy, adoption6,020 wordsall comments welcome! mr. sune and kira pulled up in front of the correct address.

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Ember Tails, ch3 (pt.3)

Contains: teen pregnancy, adoption, young romance, implied underage sex6,420 wordsall comments welcome! "yes, hello? yes, this is howard. ...mhmm... oh! well, that's certainly news. are you going to pick for us? oh...

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Hide and Speak

"i think you're talking to the wrong guy to be surprised about teenage pregnancy." "no, no, you don't understand, it's not wallace's," sam continued. "they broke up. she fucked a _dog_. like a feral one."

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Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

He knew they'd be wriggling up inside her at this very moment, millions of tiny swimmers slipping into her womb, curling around her defenseless eggs, all of them desperately trying to wedge inside the soft shells and add this underage girl to the growing teen-pregnancy

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High School Romance

"yup, and we don't have to worry about the whole teen pregnancy thing, now do we?" degyn's grin widened as he slipped his hands under his friend, giving his rump a bit of a squeeze. smokey jumped with a start at the squeeze.

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College Heat

The teen pregnancy rate in canines were really high due how extreme their biological drives can become during heat, but she'd been a good girl!

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Speed Dating

The one silver lining from my teenaged pregnancy was that the puppies would come quickly, and wean during the summer. i'd barely miss a day of school! not that i wanted to go to school.

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Growing Pains

My mother had petitioned to ban health class from our school district because it would inspire premarital sex and teen pregnancy.

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Backstage Pass

I kept it short and simple, not really wanting to go into my teen pregnancy. he could probably tell that i had been a pretty young mother if i had a sixteen-year-old son... i reached for the bottle again, but this time it was empty.

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Addiction - Chapter Fifteen: Raising the Bar

It was no wonder our state ranked in the top ten highest in teen pregnancy. what were we going to do? risk being discovered or risk getting knocked up? our paradoxical situation was made worse for obvious reasons.

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Ember Tails, ch4 (pt.3)

Contains: teen pregnancy, adoption, birth8,040 wordsall comments welcome! zane was still munching on his bagel as he walked down the street to the bus stop. several houses down, he heard someone call his name, making him turn around.

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A Night With Dad

A teen pregnancy that they ended up keeping; my dad dropped out of college to get a job, and my mum did her best to try and continue studying. i ended up being raised by my grandma, up until she passed away around about my fourth birthday.

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