a skin-walker for a sex slave

I said. suddenly i was desperate to catch my breath my asthma had caught up with me "oh god no no nowt now oh god!" "its ok" i gasped between breaths you can keep running "what do you mean!" she said almost crying.

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Oh, cow !

Reply which included this: name: first name: age: gender: address: city: country: but also, more strange, for this: allergies: number of brothers and sisters: blood group: size: weight: history of hemophilia, cancer, asthma

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Where Am I? -Part 2

Do you have asthma? what can i...." trailing off again he ran off and came back with emily. aaron forced himself to stand up and smile at the skunk, "sorry bout that, not sure what happened there but i'm better now."

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Family Days 7

He couldn't really live with himself if he sent someone with asthma away with medicine but no way to treat themselves. "may i see that prescription sir?" bernardus nodded and handed it over. he seemed really disappointed.

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Dragon Blossom - Chapter 1

His asthma also seemed to be calming somehow as the bulb's heavy, warm musk filled his nose and throat and lungs more and more with his steady breathing.

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Take Off Your Pants and Sneakers - Part 6

We all told him he should become a trail runner because hew was better at that, so he tried that too and found his asthma came back when he upped the training. he's the poor kid whose dreams never quite came true.' i smirk.

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Waking up

Yellow fur and had green eyes, he was also wearing the same gown that jake was wearing, "so what are you in for" asked jason "i've been in a coma for one year after i was in an accident" jason looked at jake with his mouth open "wow i just had a very bad asthma

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Two

I figured you were having an asthma attack." i nodded. that wasn't even close to being true, but explaining things to him right now was the last thing i wanted to do. groaning, i looked around. the masked man was nowhere in sight. "where'd he go?"

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Matteus Chapter 5 "Secrets Revealed"

Though he had no problem with people who smoked it, the smell of weed really bothered the small otter and agitated his asthma. as he was about to turn the corner to head for his locker, martin felt a tap on his left shoulder.

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Slave To Karma

Some go into detail about asthma, or cardiac arrest, or even allergies. a blue flier has been pinned up nearby describing some erection wonder drug. a yellow flier on the opposite wall has a caricature of one of my most unreasonable fears; needles.

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Chapter 8:- A Secret Love Affair Begins

Her breathing was starting to pick up and if she wasn't careful she'd have an asthma attack, she wished terri was nearby, she felt like crying from being scared and being vulnerable. but where was terri? she was there a second ago.

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'The Struggle' - Chapter 1

"do you have asthma?" which also earned a "no." this question asking went on for a few more minutes before she moved onto a physical examination.

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