Seekers Tale Part 14
Part 14 Blinking my eyes I look around and find myself in a stone tunnel following a worn path that leads underground gently sloping downwards. The air is damp and a bit stale, as though the tunnel has not been used in a very long time. Seeing no...
Seekers Tale Part 13
Part 13 I sit there for I don't know how long holding Shadow's lifeless body close. In a cracking voice I manage to whisper, "I love you too Shadow. I always will." Tears begin to flow from my eyes and fall from my face. I ignore the world around...
Seekers Tale Part 12
This story contains violence but not in yiff, gay relationships and love but no yiff this time. There is blood, gore, and death in it. If any of these things offend you now is the time to leave. Special thanks go to wolgram96 for allowing me to use...
Seekers Tale Part 5
Disclaimer: this story will have mild violence, gay sex, and use of magic, if any of these things offend you in any way you have been warned. If reading any of this is illegal in your area, well you have been warned again. For everyone else this is...
Seekers Tale part 1
Disclaimer: this story will have mild violence, gay sex, and use of magic, if any of these things offend you in any way you have been warned. If reading any of this is illegal in your area, well you have been warned again. For everyone else...
Seekers Tale part 4
Disclaimer: this story will have mild violence, gay sex, and use of magic, if any of these things offend you in any way you have been warned. If reading any of this is illegal in your area, well you have been warned again. For everyone else this is...
Seekers Tale part 2
Disclaimer: this story will have mild violence, gay sex, and use of magic, if any of these things offend you in any way you have been warned. If reading any of this is illegal in your area, well you have been warned again. For everyone else...
Seekers Tale part 3
Disclaimer: this story will have mild violence, gay sex, and use of magic, if any of these things offend you in any way you have been warned. If reading any of this is illegal in your area, well you have been warned again. For everyone else...
Seeker's Tale Part 32
Part 32 I stand there looking at the two of them with the feeling of being clubbed over the head. Harandoom is growing darker and darker under his fur as he blushes deeply his one good eye going wide. Rosalie glances back and forth between us before...
Seekers Tale Part 9
Part 9 As we step out of the trees in front of the house we are greeted by a loud tumbling mass of fur as Rick and Jasper are trying to keep Luna, Tabatha, and Eve from heading into the woods to look for Shadow and I. Since they haven't noticed us yet...
Seekers Tale Part 8
Part 8 Smoke clouds my vision as ash burns my nose. There is a piercing pain in my right shoulder and my arm hangs uselessly at my side. It takes all my strength to remain standing using my trident in my left hand to try and stabilize myself....
Seekers Tale Part 25
Part 25 Over the following month summer began to shift to fall as life began to return to normal with Aduro's addition to the pack. Some days he never left his room others he would come out and try and socialize with the rest of us while putting on a...