
Homecoming I always hated the weekly visits to Catti's place - at least, part of me did. The other part looked forward to stopping at the little, nondescript building in a warehouse district every week. That part wanted the traces of...

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Tasty Treat

Late-day sunlight streamed through slatted blinds, making a striped pattern on a green apron, a pattern that slowly disappeared as, with a light rustle, the blinds were closed. The bell on the door jingled, loud in the relatively small space, as a...

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Cat Toys

Cat Toys (Team Players #3) by Tony Greyfox "Good game, guys." Coach Allison smiled slightly at the grumbles rising from around the room and raised one beige paw. "Yes, we lost. But think about who we lost to." The cougar ticked points...

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Janner's tale 3-Not to plan

_Hurray for updates, and violence, everyone loves violence. P.S:FLASHBACK_ ALERT! Planet: Devinculus 7 Year: 40872 Time: 15:31 C.O: Commander Karn Karn was the commander of the Imperial guard regiment 'Fist of Redemption', an...

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Janner's tale 1 - 'Not the best start'

Just a quick note, my entire series is only loosely based of 40k, so no getting confused on me. Year: 40995 Date: 24th March Time: 8:52 AM Mission: Kill heretical priest Status: In progress... Unit 15 Imperial Guard Regiment:...

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Janner's tale 2-Late introductions

Janner was an Imperial guardsman, a soldier of an army consisting of tens of thousands of men and woman, each one ready to fight of dangers to the Imperium. He joined at the age of 18, just like any other citizen willing to fight. One thing that Janner...

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Second Thought

Glassy eyes were the order of the day, Lucas observed, as he glanced around at his fellow students. History could be bland at the best of times, the bunny thought to himself, but grade 12 brought with it Mister Broadman, who took bland to the level of...

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Taking One for the Team

"Go!" Waiting, muscles tense, Lucas felt the tap on his shoulder and lunged forward, strong rabbit legs propelling him up over the boards and swinging his skates around so that he was practically in full stride the moment the blades hit the ice. A...

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All in all, Kris Tomson thought to himself as he steered his car through the dark back roads of Abbotsford, it had been a very weird night. Not a bad night, but weird nonetheless. The lynx pondered as he watched the road for surprises; his old,...

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Janner's tale 4-Cheating

_WooHoo. I haz internet!_ "Karn, 5 minutes until the attack" "Ok, get the squad leaders, platoon commanders and Bane-blade commanders here" said Karn to the sergeant. "Yes sir" he replied before leaving to find them. About 1 minute later,...

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Time for a change – Part 0

It was a full month after 'The Event', and so far everything had been going on as usual. Obviously in the days after 'E-Day', when the sky flashed with multi-coloured lights, the seas had risen and fallen, and people had proclaimed it to be the end of...

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"Ahh, this is the life..." Patrick pulled his sunglasses down a little further and settled in to the lawn chair. The sun beat down hot and bright from its midafternoon position, its heat eased somewhat by a cool breeze that blew off the water. ...

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