Pretty toy chap 5: The purity of carnage. The divinity of death. The arousal of the slaughter

Amsg n- \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ pretty toy chapter 5: the purity of carnage. the divinity of death. the arousal of the slaughter.

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Curse Claws Ch. 1 Fear Incarnate

That relief however, turned to anguish his eyes fell on the carnage again. he let out a sob for his friends then, realizing there was nothing he could do for them, accept survive and tell their story.

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FCW History - Ep. 1 - The Invincible Mitsozuka

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the carnage, as we give you fofw 18's "mitsozuka versus the combat wombat"!

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Nightmare rising

The rain began to wash away the death and carnage. the streets drains filling with a dirty red water. slowly the rain began to die off eventually dying off completely.

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Tales From Dis: Pleasent Awakening

The green xeno felt surprisingly okay with the remnants of carnage around her. was she violently insane, desensitized or who knows.

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Open Season Chapter 52: Unforeseen Complications

Harry scutter, coroner, took out his clipboard and began looking around at the carnage. "well, we got five for you tonight, _all_nice and corpseafied. although _i_only got _that_one, well and that one too, by default."

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Hell on a Two-Lane Blacktop

He loved every bit of carnage he was leaving behind him. he wanted more. more blood. more flesh. he wanted to soak the whole blackened asphalt with his prey's body.

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Forester's Stand Part 1

There were barely a dozen of them left, and he was surprised that even so paltry a number had survived the carnage.

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The Hunter of Baile Chapter 1: A Boy and his Farm

Amidst all this carnage stood a lone figure, a young man, likely no taller than north, covered head to toe in the blood of the massacred.

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Passion at the Mountains

Such is the lizard's imagination, it loses itself in the carnage, and it feels its blood boil and singe with power. the mountain, whose blood also runs hot, is in sympathy with the lizard, and both are united in a dazzling wrath.

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Lost Hope

Shell shocked, she gazed about herself at the carnage. men moved from building to building, searching for signs of life with little hope of finding a soul.

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The Beastridden: part 10

"boys, once my rite of carnage is finished, we wil-" senryul stopped as his ears detected an unfamiliar sound: talons on stone.

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