#1 of exodus: the pride-lands moses of egypt has been welcomed into the pride-lands, he is met by king mohatu, queen aina, and their daughter uru. join moses as he goes back to egypt with the help of god and his friends!
Astro and the Buried Boner: Part 5
Before egypt?" > > "from the belly of my mother...isis." anubis said. "that is my first memory. i knew that i was very different from my parents, perhaps why the people of egypt depict me as being part human.
Days of Future Past
It wouldn't do for the egyptians to see him in his real physical form, which was much less inspiring.
Commission: Uninvited Tournament Part 20
This egyptian lioness said while she moved those striped arms over that tiger's body, smirking to her and receiving an exciting gaze from this ex-opponent.
Pandora's Templar - Chapter 11
Last of all he named mankind, and there were men and women in the land of egypt.
Wrath of the Gods
#5 of egypt the fifth chapter in cooper jamiesons adventures in aincent egypt. last chapter next time. in dark pyramid two figures sat and debated how to murder anubis and his ungodly lover.
Astro and the Buried Boner: Part 4: An Astro Boy fiction.
Guardian of the sacred dead of egypt. defender of upper and lower egypt. adviser to the great kings and son of osirus who is the son of ra (ray)...." > > "you?.....you gotta be kidding me?" atlas said as he found he could at least sit up...."really?
Astro and the Buried Boner part 6
After all...being a god of egypt is hard work trust me." anubis walked to a towel and sat down..."it makes me happy that no matter how things might have changed in egypt, the mighty nile is still the ever present constant."
Astro and the Buried Boner: Part 3: Astro Boy fan fiction
> atlas looked at the egyptian war sword... > "the sword looks like the typical period curved blade of egypt...except? the metal looks too perfect....almost like a samurai blade." atlas said as he slowly swung it about. "so?
The True King of Egypt 2
#2 of the true king of egypt a continuation of the true king of egypt, sobek's power has overwhelmed the party goers and the egyptian god's sights are set elsewhere, but his stirrings have roused another god...
The Dark Secret of the Great War. (Chapter 1 'At the start' Pg1)
I decided to visit a nearby museum, sadly i didn't catch the name of the blasted thing as i don't speak or read french. but there was ancient egyptian exhibition and i have had for a fascination for ancient egypt for a very long time now. so i stepped in and
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 51
His face also bore some similar features: his eyebrows and eyelids were copper-colored and were surrounded by gold egyptian markings.