Your Name Is: Skúmálfar - Chapter 01
It outstretches a tendril, covered in belts but ending with sharp needles from a strand of leather you could squint and interpret as a palm.
Chapter Four - Pretty Slick
Unable to vocalize martian, the pyraxian's words were translated by a fist-sized interpreter bot he wore on his bandoleers. "my hive had the misfortune of running afoul of an aeripan clan.
The Feeling
How does one interpret art like you do? how does one define art like you do? what was this song called again? red sky? something like that. i don't dare move to check.
Philisophical Mutterings (interaction practice)
"as such, truth is sought through the material observation and is only explained by the words of interpretation. there is no truth behind only words."
Curse of the Crinkle Crate! | Chapter 1
Boxes that interpret poetry and supply diapers whenever opened? this isn't even a funny prank this is pathetic. the fox dropped the diaper and note back into the box with contempt, what a stupid thing to waste his time with.
Gildedtongue's Story Book II: Purgatorio - Chapter 2
While no official political parties exist in the kingdom, many refer to themselves as either interpretive or fundamental, stating how they felt how the bible should be followed.
Introduction to Manipulators: Courting and Mating
The computer will interpret the "iso" differently based on whether the female is looking more for friendship, looking for a mate, seeking a one night stand, or isn't looking at all.
Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 14
She could interpret them the same way she could interpret his grunts. he was saying he loved her very, very much, and no matter how bad the pain became, he would always be there for her. his grip suddenly tightened.
She laughed before rolling forward, her joints continuing to pop and crackle as they interpreted the feline dna that had merged with her own.
Monster Hunter: Abnormal Companions Chapter 5
My thoughts must have been somewhat interpretable, for nargacuga snorted again. i flinched as what felt like a powerful sneeze pelted my body, making our close moment a little icky.
Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 14
She could interpret them the same way she could interpret his grunts. he was saying he loved her very, very much, and no matter how bad the pain became, he would always be there for her. his grip suddenly tightened.
'arguments over the interpretation over who i am mean nothing. no matter who i actually am, people will treat me as they interpret me, regardless of anything else.'